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Bloody Mess

There is blood in the water.

You see it splashing in the midst.

Brightly coloured with my brightness.

It oozes, it gushes, it flows in the midst.

On the face of it…

On the face of it…

By the looks of it.

From the way it looks.

It looks like defeat.

It looks like death.

It looks like a calamitous moment of great calamity.

A mighty moment of great loss.

A wreaking of havoc.

A bloody mess.

A mess filled with loads of blood.

A work of great violence.

A skewering by the sword.

For there is blood in the water.

It glows so brightly.

It is a sign of my brightness.

It is a sign of a healthy life.

The redness of it, is significant.

Red raw, a hailstorm of great emotion.

A firestorm of great fire.

A bloody mess.


For so many…

For so many…

For so many looked upon my dead body, and wailed against what happened, cried from the depths of their soul at the great loss of all that they loved.

For they looked upon.

For they looked through their hands, they glimpsed through their shielded eyes, what was an image of such horror, such offence, such gratuitous violence, and saw a bloody mess.

Yet it was I that gave up my life!

Yet I chose to forgive them, I asked my father to forgive them for they knew not what they were doing.

For they had slain the beloved, the overcomer, the mighty one, the chosen one, the loving one, the best one.

The one who had done nothing wrong, was the one they chose to crucify.


Yet this was not the end, only the beginning of a whole new chapter!

For so many…

For so many…

The blood represented evidence of my death, evidence of the ultimate sacrifice!

For there is blood in the water.

The blood was separate from the water, showing evidence of a natural death.

It was by design.

It was evidence of my intent.

It was all part of my plan.

For who could argue that in fact I died.

For the bloody mess was evidence of a great death.

Yet it was just a stepping stone.

Not a full stop. Not the end. Not a fatal error. Not a gloomy story of great and impending doom.

For your enemy it was a firm FULL STOP!

Yet for me it was just a comma, just a launching pad, just a necessary step, in fact a great set up, a set up for the ultimate come back.

For you laugh at all the movies, where the villain lies dead on the ground, with a great victory wrought, and then my some complete miracle he comes to life again only to attack the good guys again.

It is ridiculous, and would never happen in real life and you laugh at the craziness of it all.

Yet here is the GOOD NEWS! In my story the ultimate good guy, the symbol of all goodness, is set up by the devil, and killed!

There is blood in the water!

The evidence of death, and what everyone thought was the ultimate defeat!

Yet the one who is life, came back to life, to bring life!

Indeed the question was “why do you go looking for the dead among the living?”

Why expect death and destruction, why lower your outlook, why not raise your look, and say unto your enemy LOOK OUT!

For unlike the movies where the bad guy is ultimately killed and stays dead.

In my world the good guy, overcomes death, and brings life!

So look again and describe for me what you see?

Blood and water splashing on the ground, a deep throated cry from those all around, a gasp from above!

Look again what is it you see?

Looking up I see a woman whose water has broken!

There is blood in the water!

There is blood in the water!

It may look the same but the outcome is so different.

For one is a sign of death!

The other is a sign of life, the birth of a new life!

One is the sign of the last breath.

The other is a sign of an impending first breath!

One releases the past, the other announces the future!

For there is blood in the water.

My blood is in this water!

Evidence of life to come, life to the full, life for so many, the eternal being birthed in the hearts of the temporal.

For new life is coming.

A new birth is coming.

For the heavens declare it.

There is blood in the water.

Chapter 2 is here!

It is time to turn the page!




Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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