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What lies before you?

What lies, lay before you?

What lays before you?

What is it you feel?

The pain of the promise.

Was there not an alignment?

Was not the vision now a reality?

Yes Lord, there I was speaking your words before a room full of people.

So many more layers.

So much more to reveal.

So much more to reveal.

So much more to reveal.

For you see just the one thing, yet what appears before you is the many things.

Is this not the nursery I foretold so long ago?

For you expect the immediate harvest, yet what appears before you is the birth of growth.

For the baby does not walk in it's first day.

For the baby does not speak in it's first breath.

For the baby possesses so much potential, but it is not immediately evident.

Yet how does the father now respond to it?

How does the mother respond to it's cry?

Before I could write this, you showed me a vision of a room full of crying babies, and then the nurses, the midwives, attending to each child, tucking them in, wrapping them up, attending to their cry, calming their nerves, settling them and establishing them. All I could feel was a great calm pervading and invading the room.

For you know the way.

For you know the way.

For you really know the way.

For I am establishing your goings.

I am paving the way.

I am uncovering the path.

For you know what is to come, for you know what is coming, for you have seen the growth.

A breaking open of the seed pods.

Yet it was not as you thought.

Yet it was not as you expected.

For what was it I showed you?

The cracking open of the seed pod. I expected the flood to come, to wash over the seed and from this the seed to burst forth. Yet all I felt was the hot wind of your spirit. I could feel the atmosphere shift, a supernatural shift. And then the opening, the burst forth from dryness, the sprouting forth, supernatural growth, the birthing of that which was new. New birth. The breaking open of that which was confined. The release of that which was contained. The release of potential. From an unseen place, from an unexpected place. The effect, without the natural cause.

But there was so much more to unpack wasn't there?

It was unexpected, there I was trying to relax in the pool, and then you just showed up, in a blaze of glory, riding a wave of glory, manifesting your glory.

Here let me help you with that.

The release of the fiery seed, the eruption of seed, the manifestation of seed.

The intensity of the heat, pervades, and invades, shakes them to their core, blows their mind. For I am blowing on their minds.

You could see it on their faces, like they were in a trance, transfixed in a place of shock. For you could see it dawning upon them. You could see their minds opening to the facts.

Like a child reading a book for the first time, at first in a place of wonder, then the dawn of revelation, then the turning of the page.

Like opening the door to a new world, getting a taste of new potential. So much to process, so much to think about, so much to consider, so much to comprehend.

But there was so much more wasn't there!

A flurry of explosive seed, bursting forth across the water. I could see the point of entry up close and personal. A fiery splash, a splash of fire, raining fire all across the ocean, splashes of fire, seeds of fire, seeds of fire, explosive seeds of fire. As it sank below the surface, you could see that the fire was not extinguished. It warmed the entire ocean, releasing growth beneath the surface.

And yet I woke you with more this morning, so much more.

A literal boiling of the ocean, causing that which was calmly resting within, to burst forth, to leap out from the depths from which they were contained.

For the steam will rise, those who lie beneath the surface shall rise.

For I am creating a melting pot.

For I am bringing forth an uprising.

For through you I will bring forth an awakening, an uprising, a breaking free from the shackles of confinement.

Return to the stronghold you prisoners of hope, for today this day I will restore unto you a double portion.

So much to see.

So much to reveal.

So much to expose.

For what is it you see?

A huge group of prisoners shackled to each other in chains, wrapped up in each other, and to each other. With a huge chain wrapped around the entire group like a yoyo. And then in a moment, in an instant I pulled on the chain and they were all released. I could see the look of bewilderment on their faces, wondering what just happened, and wondering to themselves how to embrace this new freedom that they had never experienced before.

And then what is it you see?

Those who I have released, and have discovered some sense of freedom, taking each of them by the hand and leading them towards me.

For there is a beckoning, for there is a reckoning



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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