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Beyond Recognition

Full of power.


Exploding with power.

Monumental power, mighty power, more than mighty, more than powerful, to the power of.

Exponential power.

Escalating power.

Overwhelming power.

Transformative power.

Beyond recognition.

Beyond recognition.


Beyond your ability to recognise.

Beyond your ability.

Beyond recognition.

Beyond what you see.

Beyond what appears before you.

Beyond your ability to recognise.

Beyond that which can be comprehended.

Beyond that which you see without.

For it lies within.

For it lies within you.

For it rests within you.

For it flows within you.

For it streams from you.

For it moves within you.

For it moves you.

For it causes you to move.

For it causes you to be moved.

For it stirs your soul.

For it rises within.

For it must come out.

For how will they know?

For how will they have knowledge?

For how do they know what lies within you, unless it is placed on display?

For the power I have given you goes way beyond strength.

For to look at you, they cannot perceive the strength that you possess.

For I can see the fire in your eyes.

For I can see the fire in your eyes.

For I can see the fire in your eyes.

For I have set you ablaze.

For I am warming you up.

For this has just been the warm up.

For can you not feel my fire?

It is a bit hard to sit here at the moment, for it feels like a furnace! Yet in the natural I can feel the wind of the aircon, in the spirit I can feel the burning.

For I am setting you ablaze.

For it rests within you.

For it burns within you.

For I burn within you.

For my spirit burns within you.

For I intend to burn down the enemies camp.

For what is it you see now?

A great burning fire, the weapons of my enemy piled up, heaps upon heaps, piled so high, with a great burning. The flames reaching your nostrils from the heights of heaven.

For it is not as it seems.

For it is not as it seams.

For it is not as it appears.

For at the appointed time you will reap an abundant harvest if you do not relax your grip on courage.

For now what is it you see?

My hand welded by your power to the sword of your spirit. Burning with flames of fire. Sparks of glory flying high into the sky. Like a giant sparkler spraying glory all around.

For I have placed in your hand a stream of glory, a stream of fire, sparkles of fire, the manifestation of fire. The fire of my glory.

For you possess so much more power than you reveal unto man.

For I am taking you to deeper places, to a deeper place, to a much deeper place, to the depths of this place, to the place where no man can fathom except you.

Consider this

From analogue to digital.

From manual to automatic.

From the vehicle of power, to the power of N.

From incremental power to exponential power.

From the power on display, to the hidden transformative power.

From the subtle power, to the raucous loud power.

From the rumble within, to the pops and bangs without.

From the one that is linear in power, to the one that is turbocharged.

From the one with one mode, to the one with many modes.

From the muscle car, to the one with hidden powers, with the power to transform.

You look back and see all that you have lost.

I look forward and see all that you have gained.

The power of the promise.

The power of the promise.

The power I have promised.

The power to transform.

Transformative power.

For what is it you see now?

>My hands touching the caterpillars, and with sparks of fire, they are transformed into butterflies of fire, like glow worms but with wings flying in the darkness, bringing light to the darkness.

For your enemy tries to get you to cast yourself down.

Say unto yourself "do not be downcast oh my soul, for yet will I praise Him"

For your enemy tries to convince you that you have no influence, that you have no reputation, that you have no natural means to progress.

Yet he knows not what you possess.

For what is it you see now?

Placing my hands on that which is barren, and it coming to life.

Don't look back and wonder what was it all for.

Look forward and possess the fullness of all that I have promised.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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