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Beyond It

Far and above and beyond.

Way over the edge.

Past the point of no return.

Past the point of no returns.

No way of returning.

No turning back.

So far in front.

Way over the horizon.

Out of sight.

Way out of sight.

Leaping way off the edge.

I see you jumping so far into the sky, that at first you thought "wow this is amazing", and now you say to yourself "how did I here", and then "its a long way to fall"

But now you will find your wings, now you will rise higher, far and above and beyond.

In the place of the burning.

For let's come back to what I showed you.

The burning flames amidst the harvest, I could see the flames up close and personal, like I was walking in the fire, flames burning all around, white hot, burning with pure combustion. No smoke, just fire, intense fire. And I could see the flames upon the edge of the leaves, right on the leaves like flax. AND YET THEY WERE NOT CONSUMED! It was like the harvest was stoking the flames of the fire. The reason for the fire, the sparks that ignited the fire. And yet the more the fire burned, the greater the harvest, the more expansive the growth.

and then this...

I woke up in a vision. I woke up with two perspectives. One of me at the top of the tsunami wave, as it rose higher and higher, all I could feel was the increasing distance between me and the "ordinary folk" on the ground. Off in the distance I could see a city with people in it going about their ordinary lives. I could feel the weight of responsibility to tell them all about what is coming. And then another of me heading out into the deep, wading further and further from the shore, jumping over the small waves in order to get ahead of the breakers into the calm.

For some will come to you now and ride the wave of change that is to come. Others despite your efforts will feel the full force of the wave before coming to you broken and in pieces.

Yet I can see the disruption to come, the fullness of the impact, the disturbance that disturbs me greatly.

Fear not for I have given you the depths of the deep.

For when the great flood comes.

For when disaster comes.

For when that which overwhelms comes.

For when that which flows over covers the land.

For that which you are immersed in, shall flow over.

And then the one who can navigates will come to the fore.

For the land dwellers care not who owns a boat, until the flood comes.

And then they come running, looking for the captain of the sea.

Yet there shall be some amongst you that shall help to erect a scaffold, to provide a means of escape to those who are willing to enter.

So now I want you to turn your attention to that which disrupts, to that disruption that is coming, to define it, to navigate it, to explore it, to be immersed in it.

For that which would overwhelm another, is just another wave for you to catch.

For you step beyond that which breaks, beyond the breakers, beyond the brokenness, into the depths of that which flows.

For you were born to bring the flow, born to release the flow in the barren place.

For these make shift lives, these empty barren lives, although they appear to possess fullness, lack all that is necessary to receive my gift.

For when the flood comes.

For when that which cannot be contained, flows into that which has the appearance of fullness, it only serves to remove the pretence and to break the barrier of containment.

Once the appearance of fullness is shattered, then the emptiness is revealed, and true fullness can be received.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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