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Beyond Comparison

To whom can you compare?

How can you align one piece with another?

How does one fit with another?

How does such a sophisticated shape fit with another?

For it is not about the numbers, it is not about the metrics, it is not the shape of something that defines it.

Yet the triangle, the square, the rectangle are defined by their shape?

Yet you cannot define your beloved by the way she looks.

For who can define beauty?

Is it not in the eye of the beholder?

In the congruence of the look the shape is formed.

For the static thing, the material thing, takes a shape that defines it.

The living creature, takes the image of that which created it.

For how does one compare to another?

What is the point of the comparison.

For the one may stand in contrast to another.

One may stand out in a crowd.

Another may stand when all others kneel.

One may cry out, whilst another stays silent.

One is appointed, another disappointed.

One the encourager, another the discourager.

One the courageous overcomer, another discouraged and defeated.

It was such a kind thing to say, and one you struggled to receive…

I’d love for others to get to know you, and discover how amazing you are…

Such a lot to process there, as I feel I’m more like Elisha, or John the Baptist, so hard to turn the banquet you give me into something relatable and digestible to others. I can hear you laughing as I write this. “It’s like I have to write a book and get them to read it before we can truly connect.”

You mess me up Lord, what a crazy dream in the night! What the Heck!

Here let me help you recall it…

And the multitude surrounded you, clambered for your attention, so many pushing their way through the crowd to hear your voice.

And then the question arose from an unknown voice. “What is the number?”

And then a great contention overtook them, and they started to argue with each other about the question, cynically tirading each other and berating each other, wrestling with both the question and the answer.

And there lying prostrate on the edge of the stage was a homeless looking woman, who whilst still asleep lifted her head and spoke these words “Tell them the answer is 19”

And as you tried to speak upon the stage, the commotion was so loud that they could not hear the answer.

I was not surprised by this Lord, as what you are saying to me is becoming so more and more intense, so more and more unique that my whole body is struggling to keep it in. Yet I cannot help but ask for the microphone when the opportunity presents. I feel like you have put so much authority on my lips, yet the ears of man are not ready to receive it.

In the midst.

In the crowd.

Amongst the multitude I am calling you out.

For you are the new thing, the fountain in the desert place, the well watered garden in the dry place.

I can still feel the burning in my hands from yesterday, the flame of your fire that you placed in my hands. And then the great washing, the overflow of your flow, the great outpouring of your spirit. As the flow came, as the rain came and fell upon the fire, it was not quenched by it, for the fire only served to provide heat and warmth to that which was cold.

For this is no ordinary gift.

For you are no ordinary gift.

You are my burning bush, those who turn aside to come closer will hear my voice and be transformed by it.

Don’t try to fit in, just stand out, just fan the flame of my fire, breathe on my fire, blow on my fire, for I am an all consuming fire.

For my purpose is to burn up all that is dry, and to prepare the ground for the big wet that is to come.

When you can’t contain yourself, you have my permission to break free and get up and dance.

Blow the trumpet in triumph. Sound the alarm, for those who are asleep, it is time to wake up!

You have my permission to light the flame of your passion, to ignite the flame of those embers that remain, to bring light to the dark places, to proclaim all that I have asked you to say.

Don’t hold back for you won’t be embarrassed.

When the devil says to you “I’ve got your number?”, Tell him “the Lord has reserved it for me.”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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