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Beside the still waters.

Beside yourself.

Beside your beloved.

Beside that which is still.

In the place of the lapping.

In the place of the round and round.

In the place of the swirling.

In the place of the flow.

In the place that flows.

In the place of the overflow.

In the place of the lapping.

In the place of habitation.

In the place of inhabitation.

In the place who will inhabit.

In the place of.

In the place of placement.

You feel like you are out of position, and yet you are in the place of placement.

Your enemy poses the question "But what is it you own?" or "by this time you should own this place" or "is that all that you possess?", "after all your effort for the Lord, is that all you possess?"

Yet what is material to him, is immaterial to me.

First the deposit, then the return.

First the planting, then the harvest.

First the laying down, then the rising up.

First the indwelling, then the dwelling.

For you possess all that he lacks.

In fact all he possesses is lack.

He contends with you from the place of lack.

His foundation is shaky.

He stands on the shifting sand.

He builds a sandcastle and calls it solid.

And then the wind blows and everything falls over.

Or the wave crashes upon it and it is no more.

And yet I have placed you upon the rock.

And yet I have placed you upon the rock.

From insect to iron, from worm to that which harrows the mountain.

From that which leaps away when an enemy approaches, to that which is solid and immovable in the presence of an attacker.

For when you are made of iron, what attack can penetrate your defences?

For the one made of iron, needs no defence, or defences.

This is what a mighty fortress looks like.

For I have made my point.

For you shall be my point.

No need to look for a shield when you are my sword.

No need to run for shelter when you are my instrument of expansion.

You look to be in, and yet I have put you on the outs.

For the one who expands his territory is always crossing the line.

Your enemy tries to convince you that you are trespassing. That this is his land.

Yet a king of my kingdom, behaves like he owns the place. He comes and goes freely.

He operates with freedom.

He will accept nothing but freedom from restraint.

It is impossible to bind that which is free.

For you know how I work with that.

Behave like you are free, and watch freedom unfurl before you.

Your issue is not what comes out of you, your issue is what you allow to come into you.

If you invite fear, it will take up residence.

If you invite insecurity, you will retreat.

If you eat from your enemies table, you will be sick.

If you feast on the words of your enemy, you will speak his words in agreement with your circumstance.

But my ways and not your ways, your thoughts and not my thoughts.

For the son of man, had no where to rest his head, and yet he was rest.

For you are defined by what lies within, not what lies without.

And I see you looking for comfort, and yet even now I have placed you upon the edge.

"I am caught up in your presence, I never want to leave"

For I have contended with that which contends with you, in order for you to be content.

I declare you are fit for purpose.

For you shall be my sharp toothed instrument flattening the mountains, smoothing the path for others, making a way where there is no way, streams of living water in the dead place.

For I have placed you in this position.

For this is my placement.

For this is my appointment.

For this is my point.

For I have appointed you to make a point.

For what have a shown you now?

The swirling around and around. The swirling around of that which swirls. One swirl upon another, rising higher and higher until it makes a point.

For that which is soft, rises higher and higher until it forms my point, until it comes to a point.

For you shall point the way.

For you shall rise to the elevated point.

Until I have made my point.

And yet I have made you literally as my point.

For you say unto them "my point is", "are you getting the point", "and the point is", "and my point is". And yet they have already received you. Before you show up, they will have received my point.

For in inviting you to come, they have received my point.

For their lives are pointless, until they receive my point.

And yet you are the point of all this.

And yet you shall point them in the direction they shall go.

For you shall make a way for them.

For the way is crafted.

For the way is made.

For the way is prepared.

For you shall show them the way.

For I will cause you mouth to speak my words.

For I will cause their ears to hear.

For what is it you see?

You have taken me back to the condemned building, with no natural power, with no source of light, and yet people lining up to get in. And as you walk with me passed them all, I see the light of your glory reflecting upon them. And then when we enter into the darkened building, your light radiates all around. Radiating a warmth, a glow, a glory all around, and they make a way for us amidst the crowd to come into the centre. It is like they were in eager anticipation of our arrival even when there was no indication from the environment that this would happen.

I see the look on your face as you wonder what you will say, how you will be received, in awe of all this fanfare, and expectation and anticipation.

And yet I have placed you here.

For how else will they become enlightened?

For how else will they know me?

For how else will they find themselves?

For how else will they be transformed?

For I will cause them to talk about you with favour, in favour, spreading your name with favour, BEFORE they have even met you.

For my words will drip from your lips.

For my words shall fall like the dew.

For my words will cause them to stand at attention.

For my words will cause their ears to open.

For the word has gone out before you.

For the onus is on me to perform it.

For I will not be to you as I was before.

For this is a whole new level.

For here you sit amongst the masses, and yet you are not one of them.

For I have given you something special.

For I have given you someone special.

For you can see my glory.

For my glory shines upon you literally now!

You crack me up Lord, because the only comfortable seat in this place is the one the sun is shining upon. I have to wear my hat to keep the light out of my eyes!

And yet there is more?

I see a fountain rising in the crowd, a fountain of light, a flow of light, a flow of glory flowing all across the land.

For my glory rises upon you now.

A beacon of hope.

It is time to open your mouth, it is time to let your light shine like never before, it is time to be released, it is time to release me, it is time to release my glory.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

For I command a blessing, you need to agree with it, and walk in it.

Lord lead me beside beside the still waters, for you know the way, open the way, make way, make way for your glory.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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