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Lo and behold!

Go and behold!

For I have endorsed your course.

For I have paved the way.

For I have made the way.

For my flow forms the course.

Go with my flow.

Behold my flow.

For it streams before you.

For it gushes before you.

It makes its own path.

It makes a way where there was no way.

It establishes a path where there was none.

For this is the path of growth.

This is the stream of growth.

For you can see the breadth of it is cut by the depth of it.

For you can see the expanse of it is made by the volume of it.

For as it forms it forms it’s own course.

It travails in it own travels.

For this is the land that flows.

For I have made my own way.

It flows down, it flows over, just enough for you to spread out.

For this is my work of preparation.

For I have laid the ground work.

I have put down the ground cover.

I have got this covered.

Say unto yourself “here comes the flow”

Say unto yourself “here comes the flow of abundance.”

For this is no ordinary flow.

This is the flow of living water.

What is it you see? What is it I have shown you?

The gushing flow. Spreading out far and wide. Flowing but not overwhelming. Bringing life upon the edge. Dead flowers coming back to life. Fish jumping in and out of the streams. People gathering at the edge. A vibrant community forming across the land. A splash of colour. Streamers in the stream. Evidence of an ongoing party.

A new party mix. My definition of a party.

For I shall bring life to your bones.

For I shall bring life to this party.

For this shall be the happening place foretold from many years ago.

A vibrant place. A place of great vibrance. A place of great resonance.

For they shall speak of you in a different language. They shall sell themselves on what ever it is you present to you.

They shall see it as a great gift. A special gift. They shall feel honoured to receive it.

Say unto yourself “it won’t be long now!”

For that which was long awaited for, has arrived.

Shake off the old. Lay aside the old clothes and get ready to put on the new.

New for old replacement.

Unlike anything before or since.

One of a kind.

Of its own kind.

An act of kindness.

Evidence of my kindness.

Of a different kind.

Unlike anything else.

Set apart. Yet central to everything!

A new stream of life.

A life altering experience.

A game changer.

So much better than you could imagine.

Say unto yourself “LOOK OUT! LOOK HERE!”

Beckon unto yourself for you shall be a beacon shining brightly across the land.

Because I said so!

Until the rain came.

Until the rain came.

Down to the last drop.

Now the multiplied drops.

From the one has come the many.

Sprouting forth.

Spouting forth.

Bursting forth.

A living fountain of growth.

The one path becoming the many paths.

Say unto yourself “This is what growth looks like”.

Systems and strategies for growth.

For I have broken the box.

I have broken the limitations.

I have ripped off the binding.

Say unto yourself “this is the land of freedom, the land without boundary.”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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