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Different not indifferent.

Possessing a difference.

Distinctly different.

The same but different.

Similar but so different.

Distinctive but so different.

First the look, then the sound, so different and yet so similar.

The two becoming one.

The one becoming two.

A vehicle of separation, now a vehicle of unity.

The one containing the dream, the two releasing the dream.

What stands out to you?

The celebration, the joy, the sound of celebration.

For one possesses subtle power, two share the power of the one.

One is undercover, two comes out into the open and expresses the sound of my joy and delight.

The two becoming one, the union expressing all my joy and delight, the sound of my joy and delight.

The one requires manual intervention to make progress.

The two automatically come together to celebrate my goodness.

The one rolling into the two, the two rolling into the one.

The one becoming two, and the two becoming one.

The one a vehicle of separation, a means to set apart, a means to be with the one.

The two a vehicle of unity, a means to come together, a means to embrace, a means to join, a means to a new end.

For when you came together, there was no sense of loss of self. Even now you have no desire to be alone. For without her there is no desire.

For the one rolls on to the path of the two, the two roll on to the path of the one.

A criss crossing of paths, times of togetherness, times of separation, more together than apart.

For the path of freedom for the one, is the path of confinement for the other.

The path of release for the one, is the path of containment for the other.

For if you focus on the limitation, you will always choose separation and isolation.

Yet if you focus on the fullness, you will always choose unity and togetherness.

For the one flows into the other.

For there shall be times of refuelling, times of refreshing, times of multiplication.

For you think in the merging of the two into one, the one is restricted, the one is limited.

Yet when you see her, when she smiles at you, you have no desire to be alone. Her beauty draws you in.

Yet we are not always together, for the one desires its own preference, the two may not always desire the same path.

Yet you have negotiated a path to this point.

Yet we have the means to come together or to be apart, choice matters, freedom matters.

Yet what is your overwhelming desire?

To give her an upgrade, to release her from that which holds her back, to bring a smile to her face.

Yet I see you pondering what that will mean for you.

Yet you have been down this path before, and even from the very beginning.

The selling of the one, to buy that which would bring the two together as one.

I remember what it means to give up that with matters to me, yet in every case the gain so outweighed the loss. Yet in this season I have felt loss after loss, after loss, and this is the only thing that remains. Yet the joy of it has been tainted by the afflictions of this past year. And now when contemplating the giving up of this dream, all I want is for the season of loss to be over. Leave me nothing but the joy of my beloved, for she is the only one that matters to me.

Yet there are new blessings in this new season.

Let me say that again, there are new blessings in this new season.

For to embrace the new, you must first release the old.

New for old replacement.

For you act like this will be the last thing to give up and then there will be nothing worthy to replace it.

Yet this is the end of the season of loss.

Now for the season of gain.

For I will restore the years the locust has eaten.

I will take you back, for you will be taken aback at all I have in store for you.

For you are exiting the season of the going, and entering the season of the coming.

For I am bringing it to you.

For my goodness shall show up at your door.

For all that you have given shall be poured out upon you, overflowing into your lap.

For what was once covert, shall now be manifest.

What was once undercover shall be revealed.

What was silent, shall now broadcast my joy.

For what once left you, shall now come to you, shall now become you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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