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For I have set before you the land of opportunity.

Whatever you water shall blossom.

Trees of different shapes and kinds.

Trees of gold and purple.

Instead of opposition I have given you opportunity.

For the time is now.

The time of your life.

The time of the times.

The time to multiply.

The time of the shift.

A shift in your reality.

A new reality.

For you know the one who walks with you.

For I have given you insight, foresight, my sight.

For you see things so differently from those around you.

It will happen in real time.

Seeing one thing in the natural, another in my domain.

For the light shall overcome the darkness, take up residence in the darkness, pitch a tent in the darkness, break forth in the darkness, overwhelm the darkness, evict the darkness, instead of the gloom and doom, a fresh light appears across the land.

For your experience shall be unlike anything that has gone before.

You will see one thing, and yet feel another.

For I am showing up, I am breaking out in your life.

Opportunity arises before you, grows before you, appears before you, like you are in a spotlight, they shall be drawn to you.

There is no escape from this.

For when you stand upon my stage, all eyes are upon you.

In a state of expectation, in a state of celebration, in a state of adoration, for they are drawn to your warmth.

They shall come in from the cold, and just want to sit with you in the warmth.

It is the warmth of my affection, the glow of my love, the power of my attraction.

For the shy one, walks hand in hand with the bold one.

I have shown you this picture so many times before…

Helping my beloved put on the clothes of a queen and leading her out of the dungeon, with millions of people celebrating her arrival.

For you know that one thing enables another, for when she is with you, you feel you can do anything. You remember the time where you spoke so confidently to a room full of hundreds of people, yet it was by her request, at her instruction that you were there at all.

Did not Aaron’s attendance enable Moses’s presence?

For one enables another, one empowers another, one spurs on another, one lifts another up, who then reaches down and lifts up the one who lifted them.

Higher and higher you shall go, for I have called you to be elevated, to occupy the elevated position, to be lifted up before the people.

Without question. Be without question. Do not question yourself, your position, your standing, your calling.

For the one who loves you, calls you by name and says come.

Just as you are not shy about your love, neither am I.

You love to speak of her beauty, shall I not do the same?

Are you not my glory?

Will I not glory in you?

Will I not celebrate the work of my hands?

For your glory will return here, and this is why we are waiting, oh Lord will you prepare us all… Open up our eyes to the beauty of your ways…

For when you ponder her beauty, is there not so much to say? And yet other times all you want to do is look at her, gaze upon her, be close to her, embrace her, love her, pour out your affection on her, make a splash of joy over her, delight in her, enjoy the delight of her beauty.

Is not beauty such a gift?

The joy of the revelation of beauty.

The unveiling of beauty.

For the one who possesses it is covered in my glory.

For one sees imperfection in themselves, the other sees that imperfection as a defining part of their beauty.

In the place of ashes, in the ash heap, in the place of desolation, of isolation, of destruction, of loss, of brokenness, I have given you my beauty.

Yet now I want to display your beauty.

For when the beautiful one, speaks ill of herself, or diminishes her splendour, speaks of her weakness, or refuses to agree with your description of her, how does this make you feel?

Sad, or mad, or upset, or like that which matters has been taken away, a loss of beauty, a diminishing of that which is great, a refusal to agree with that which is right, that which is objectively true.

So you know how I feel when you do the same!

It’s like I have made for you a spectacular suit, a royal robe, and instead of showcasing your beauty, you cover yourself with sackcloth and ashes.

It is time to come out, to step into the spotlight, to agree with me about who you are, to wash off the ashes, to let your beauty shine.

For it shall be glorious.

For it is glorious.

For my glory rises upon.

Open our eyes to the beauty of your ways.

Take my hand, come out of the dungeon of darkness and despair, and celebrate my goodness, my beauty and the glory of my ways.

Reflect the glory of my face as it shines upon you, delights in you…

Song of Songs 2:14
Come, my shy and modest dove—leave your seclusion, come out in the open.
Let me see your face, let me hear your voice.
For your voice is soothing and your face is ravishing.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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