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Be Confident







For you have distracted yourself…

You have divorced your emotions from your very self.

You have detached yourself from my reality.

Your feet walk in the way, yet your emotions are off course…

Your mind is steadfast and yet your feelings are restrained, detained, diverted, distracted, deflected.

You cannot let me go…

You cannot let it go…

What is it you are holding on to?

Who is it that defines you?

Who is it that sets the scene? Who has authorised this script?

For the joy of the ad lib performance is always fun, the frustration, the angst, the pain, the wrestling, the annoyance is not ok!

For you see this as a binary choice, accept the criticism and be defined by it, endure it, and cut all emotion out or tell them to stuff it up their jumper!

You are you and what are you doing here!

How is it you find yourself here?

Will you be defined by your enemy, or will you shape and mould his path and experience.

For I am opposed to this spirit.

Do not let your heart be troubled, believe in me….

Be strong and very courageous!

Reject discouragement, chop off its head, take my courage, take my strength, take my power.

Who is it that defines you?

I am defined by your love Lord, by my beloved, by my seed, by my patterns, by my behaviour, by my love, by my character, by my focus.

This is how I see it….

You are my chosen, my appointed, my advocate, my strongman, my valiant one, my champion, my overcomer…

Shaped by my own hands, crafted for a specific purpose, the one I have appointed for victory, the mighty one, the one who puts fear into the heart of my enemy, the one who will not stay down, the relentless one, the one who never grows weary, the one with all stamina, the multiplier, the creator, the encourager….

Yes you heard me, the encourager…

For the enemy seeks to take your courage, to stop all encouragement and to replace it with discouragement.

When you shake hands with the enemy, there is an exchange, one will receive and the other will take.

Receive my accolades, my praise, my power, my joy, my confidence.

For you shall be confident, exuberant and expansive IN the holy of Israel.

This is my work of transformation. The becoming, the coming, the overcoming power of confidence.

Cast not away your confidence which has great recompense of reward.

Hold on to my confidence, take my confidence, take my confidence with you. Give the enemy a dose of my confidence!

Was this not foretold, did I not show you what is to come?

What is the key element of victory in all your battles?

The confident smile.

For you sit between conflicting patterns, the waves that break upon you.

Arise my son and stand, and walk, and run upon the waves.

Don’t tippy toe around the issue, run and jump in, immerse yourself with confidence, clothe yourself with my confidence.

For I shall exalt you above the nations. I’ll take care of your reputation, you shall be known as the “transformer” the one who saves them from destruction, from ruin. Someone will write this about you…”we would have been ruined without his involvement”.

Be confident in me, and in all that I have made you to be. Silence the words of the enemy, say to the enemy be silent, silence him with these words “I’m confident”

For so long you have wondered how, what will happen next, what will this look like?….and yet in this season, you find yourself in the place of abundance.

For my arm is outstretched towards you, I’m not holding anything back.

Let’s do an upgrade, right now, in an instant…..

Exuberance in the place of endurance.

Confidence in the place of crisis.

A refuge in the place of refuse.

A mighty fortress in the place of the ruin..

A safe haven for my people.

A palace in the place of poverty…

A fullness in the place of lack.

For today this day I will lift this load off your shoulders, I have given you the robe of authority, the power of royalty, the position of strength, divine strength that no hostile power can overcome.

For you through you I will reap an abundant harvest, for in the year of famine you shall reap a hundred fold!!!

For the ground shakes as you advance, the foundations of the enemy crumble before you.

Let me take you back to this picture.

You standing in front of the mirror and with me standing behind. You sense my presence, you feel my power, like the big brother you never had, you feel protected and powerful.

Then you open your eyes and discover that I have placed my power within your very being, I have amplified and magnified your presence and your power. What is it you now see?

My hand takes up the entire size of the wall sized mirror.

In multiplying, I will multiply, multiplied multiples, exponential impact, exorbitant growth, spectacular impact, beyond measure.

For I have placed you beyond measure, what was once measured is now given without measure, superabundantly far over and beyond all you can imagine!

Just receive my confidence, bash the enemy around the head with my confidence…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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