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What is your basis of understanding?

What is the ground upon which you stand?

What are you standing on?

Who is it that formed the ground?

Who is it that caused you to stand?

What is it you regard?

For I write to you regarding.

How is it you see?

How do you interpret what you see?

What is the basis of your understanding?

How is it you comprehend?

How did you form this view?

What is it that causes you to be anxious?

I will rest in the father’s hands. Leave the rest in the father’s hands. You are bigger than I thought you were.

For I came to break the yoke of oppression.

Can you not feel the tension?

Can you not feel the breaking?

For the yoke breaks due to fatness.

I throw all my cares before you, my doubts and fears don’t scare you.

So what!

So what do you have to say about it?

For now is the time of proclamation, the time of declaration, the time of the manifest.

The unfurling, the unscrolling of the scroll, the time of revelation, the time of the big reveal.

For who informed you of this?

Who provided the information?

Who informed your thinking?

What was the basis of your decision?

Who advised you to take this path?

On what basis do you say….?

On what basis do you contend?

On what basis do you act?

Return to the stronghold of peace and prosperity.

Come back to the place from which you left.

Return unto yourself.

Come back to yourself.

Turn back to yourself.

Return to yourself.

Take possession of yourself.

Take hold of yourself.

Have a word with yourself.

Contend with yourself.

Wrestle with yourself.

Untie yourself.

Release yourself from that which holds you fast.

Unbind yourself.

Loose yourself.

Be free of yourself.

Be kind to yourself.

Speak kind words to yourself.

Tend to yourself.

Be gracious unto yourself.

Take hold of yourself.

Hold your own hand.

Express kindness to yourself.

Have a word with yourself.

Speak soothing words to yourself.

Unshackle yourself.

Release yourself.

There you sit.

There you sit amidst the chains.

Trying to move your position, wrestling with your position, uncomfortable with your position.

Try as you might, try with all your might, hope with all your might, consider all the mights and maybes.

Yet of this you can be certain.

I am certain.

I am firm.

I am your substance.

I am your basis.

I am your foundation.

I am the ground under your feet.

My steps are sure and certain.

First the sure, then the certain.

I prophesy…

What do you have to say about your future?

What is the basis of your standing?

Who has hold of your plan?

Who has hold of your path?

Who has promised to guide you?

For I lead you not astray.

Be unswerving in your resolve.

Resolve to be unswerving.

Hold fast to that which is true.

To be honest I am not going to lie.

For my word goes out, and performs all that I desire.

Send the word out.

Speak my word out.

Release my word out.

Proclaim it from the rooftops.

For you did not get to this point by chance.

Did I not say you shall walk upon the broken path, the path of the broken?

Stone by stone, piece by piece, broken and without form, now coming together.

A glorious path made from all the broken pieces.

Did I not say that you should take care to observe what it is that you are walking on.

For that which rests upon your sole, is your soul, is your basis, is the foundation upon which you stand.

Take care to your footwear.

What is it you wear on your feet?

On what basis will you walk?

Declare the vision, map out the path, manifest your desire and I will bring it to pass.

What is it you see?

A elegant path of stone, crafted by a master craftsman, full of broken pieces, fitting neatly together, selected by design, chosen for purpose, on purpose. A pathway through the lush green pasture, surrounded by mature trees, a gentle breeze blowing the autumn leaves across the land. The sun shining in the golden hour. Walking hand in hand with my beloved in the glorious land of paradise.

It won’t belong now before this shall come to pass.

Take another step, for you shall find soon find a spring in your step.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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