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A background project.

Placed in the background.

Placed behind that which was important.

Designed to set the scene.

Designed to just play a part in the scene.

Designed to add depth and colour.

I see you standing way off in the distance, like a speck in the picture, barely seen, hardly able to be distinguished.

Off in the distance, for you want to keep your distance.

You feel the great distance.

You ponder the great distance.

You want to stay in the place of no communication, just like Mephibosheth you have locked yourself away and swallowed the key.

What’s wrong?

Everything hurts, everything is broken, everything is hard, I’m so tired of it all. I don’t want to get up. And yet you are calling me to the front.

Yes you shall be at the forefront.

You must be at the front.

For this shall be the season of the back to front.

I announce the end from the beginning.

I start at the end and then walk with you from the start.

It is a season of unwinding.

A season of straightening that which is crooked.

A flipping of the script.

For the background shall become the foreground.

Those seated in the back row, coming to the front.

Those waiting in the wings, directing what happens on the stage.

The unwinding, the unravelling, the unveiling, the unwrapping, the loosing, the walking, the running, the embrace of freedom.

For my freedom will reign.

Repeat after me “Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom!”

Say it like you mean it!

Unfold your arms, and unfurl your destiny.

Be unbound, without bound, without chains, without lack, without angst, without anger, without loss, without fear, without muck, without mud…

With traction, with attraction, with love, with mercy, with grace, with power, with courage, with strength, with delight, with joy, with excitement, with passion, with clarity, with wisdom, with authority, with compassion, with fire, with glory, with light.

For you carry my light, you are my delight, you are the star of my show.

Take off the sackcloth and wash yourself of your ashes, take off the garment of grief, take off the funeral clothes.

For it is time to play your part.

For it is time to read my script.

For it is not as it looks.

For it is not as it feels.

For it is not as it seems.

For it is the time of closeness.

For it is time to embrace that which you cannot grasp.

Just as you did this morning.

For to hold the one you love means everything to you.

For it is in the place of the embrace that wonder is revealed.

For I have put my wonder on display.

I have wrapped my wonder in your affection.

I have manifest my wonder in the place of your affection.

Is not my wonder such an antidote for all that ails you?

You could feel the tension easing, the stress leaving, the grief falling, the departure of all the losses, in the presence of such gain.

For what shall I give to the man who holds my hand, who refuses to let it go?

For when you walk with your beloved isn’t every step a glorious one?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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