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Over and over, over and over, a looping back, a looping forward, a continuous loop.

Yet this is no ordinary event.

Time upon time.

Time after time.

Every time.

Once upon a time. No twice upon a time. No three times upon a time. Many times many.

A repeating pattern.

An unusual pattern.

Without explanation, without a word.

Over and over, over and over.

An unusual movement.

For that which moves does not and that which should be solid moves.

No ordinary movement.

The very ground moving.

The ground sprouting feathers and flying.

The solid that does not move, now moves.

A reversal of expectation.

The solid fluid and the fluid immovable.

Resistance is futile.

A response to movement.

A moving response.

For the very ground rises to meet.

Responding to your approach.

Soft gentle strides bring forth the most unexpected response.

Upon entry.

From the first moment a fluttering.

Caught by surprise.

A surprising response.

A moment of surprise.

Caught off guard, without protection, but no cause for alarm.

The weirdest thing for you. But let me help you to describe it.

A moment of resting.

A resting upon that which moves.

A resting upon the one that moves.

A moving moment. A touching moment. A moment of touching.

Yet an unsettling moment.

All that is within at rest. All that is without unsettled.

An uprising all around but a great resting within.

For in her arms you can only rest.

By her side everything else is just an aside.

Yet the soft caress of your hand upon her brings forth such calm in the place of your rest.

In a moment all that was unsettled now moves in sync with your caress.

No longer shaking, no longer agitated, now at rest.

Are you not the point of contrast?

You ask yourself

>What is your impression?

Before you can respond I caused you to impress.

For I have placed in your hand the power to impress. To impress upon. To bring forth calm. To bring forth peace. To pour out my peace.

For you know what I am talking about. It was so amusing to you when your brother spoke of the joy and delight of your Mother.

She could not help but talk about it.

All you could do was smile.

Out of order. Beyond the natural order. A praying for peace and calm after she reports it. An unusual prayer in the middle of the night for the one who intercedes for you. Yet so profound.

Out of order, back to front, back dated.

For what you ask for now, shall already be found in your lap.

First the uprising, then the settling.

First the dismantling, then the remantling.

First the abandonment, then the settling.

For you shall find that which was lost.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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