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Awaken desire.

Awaken passion.

Awaken yourself.


Open your eyes.

See that which lies before you.

For how can you experience the delight that rests before you, if you remain asleep?

Embrace desire.

Embrace passion.

Embrace yourself.

Embrace that which you love, and be loved.

Snuggle up to that which you love.

Rest your hand upon my love.

Feel the shift.

Feel the release.

Feel the breaking of the chains.

Unshackle yourself.

Release yourself.

Break free from all that wraps you up.

Make a move.

Yes make a move.

Make a move upon my love.

Come closer to majesty.

Get wrapped up in majesty.

Be robed in majesty.

Wear majesty.

Put on majesty.

Take the hand of majesty.

Take the hand of the majestic one.

Hold the hand of the queen.

Come into the restricted place.

Step boldly into the private place.

Come into the dressing room.

Step into the intimate place.

Wrap your arms around my beauty.

Embrace the warmth of my beauty.

Place your lips on the face of such beauty.

Hold that which I have given you close.

Come closer, and again closer, be up close and personal.

For I have given you that which is my precious. I have placed my love in your arms.

Come close and rest awhile.

Let go of all suffering, all limitation, all restraint, all pretence, all that confines, all that covers, come out of the covers, take off the wrapping and let your gift be revealed.

For I have wed you to majesty, wrapped in beauty, clothed in my glory.

A gift beyond measure, a light the shines in the most intense darkness.

You can feel the glory of it all on display.

Like it is golden hour, but there is no sun, there is nothing natural that would radiate such beauty, such glory, such majesty.

For I have made her of the finest material, a prize beyond any ability to earn it.

For there she was.

More than you could imagine, more than you can define, beyond all definition, worthy of the highest place in your world.

She was and always will be the highlight of your life.

Showing up like a beacon on occasion.

Then like an intimate candle when you least recognise it.

A monument to my glory.

A precious ornament of the most valuable treasure.

And yet the time that means the most to you, is the time where she stood in the midst of all the ashes.

“To know and be made known”

Yes those are the right words for a song over this moment.

There you were speaking the words I had put on your lips.

The words about your Mother’s legacy, what your mother meant to you, and all that she stood for.

I hear the words I put on your lips

For to know her was to be known.

For in the midst I put my beauty on display.

In the midst of all the ashes I put my beauty, my majesty, my glory on display.

For as you spoke of what it was like to be known and to know, I put the one who knows me best front and centre.

For to know her, is to behold wonder, to experience a life of revelation and mystery, to touch my love, to taste of my goodness and kindness.

Beauty is a mystery, and yet in the revealing there is great revelation.

It is a posture.

It comes from a place of knowing.

In comes from a place of intimacy.

Yet it requires an outpouring of love to reveal its glory.

Yet many would say “what value does it have?”

Yet what price does one put on beauty?

For who can purchase love?

Who can acquire it?

For the opportunity presents itself to the one it is intended for.

For I am intentional with my love.

For my love is adorned with beauty, and wrapped in majesty.

For it unveils itself to those whose eyes are open.

Awake from slumber.

Awaken desire.

Awaken passion.

Awaken extravagance.

Awaken the dawn.

Bring forth the uprising.

Call forth my love.

Speak to that which is dead, and proclaim life.

Place your hands upon that which is dead, and say arise.

Lift up your countenance and be lifted up.

Look up and be up.

For it shall not be like the days of old.

Walk with my beauty, parade my beauty, wear it around your neck as a badge of great honour.

For my beauty works and yet has no concern for performance.

My beauty tells a wonderful story without opening her mouth.

My beauty declares the work of my hands, without doing a thing.

My beauty evokes action, without acting.

My beauty does not hide herself, but cares not for the parade.

My beauty has impact.

My beauty brings forth focus and attention.

I have placed my beauty on display, in a place where she reflects my light.

When covered my beauty is not diminished, yet the one who beholds it is diminished.

Unveil my glory, speak of my beauty, declare her majesty, go for a walk with my glory, show off my glory.

Awaken my beauty.

For my beauty looks upon you with love.

My beauty expresses my desire.

My love pours forth, radiating with the glory of my beauty.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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