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If you express your insecurity you will become less secure.

If you express your security you will become more secure.

Be like a mighty fortress.

Act like you are protected.

Act like you cannot be defeated.

Express your confidence.

Express my confidence.

I do not look to the intensity of the wave to determine whether I should walk on them.

For if you know what is coming you may decide not to leave the shore.

For who would swap the certainty of the shore for the intensity of a storm?

For many would say that it is foolish to embark on a journey when you know a storm is coming.

And yet I was undeterred, for I was determined, I was confident in the way I was taking and yet had no shelter from the storm.

For the one who recognises the strength he possesses, overcomes much.

For the one who looks to the circumstance for comfort, is overcome by it.

For today this day I have made you a mighty fortress, go out and speak all I have commanded you to say.

For even the broken word causes a splinter in the hand of the one who breaks it.

For what I have made you is impenetrable.

For wave upon wave had come against you, and yet you are still standing, is that not what a fortress looks like?

When under siege it cannot be penetrated.

And yet your mission is not defensible, is not static, does not rest upon a single point, does not stand alone, but goes out.

The impenetrable point, penetrates that which is hard to possess.

Like an ice breaker heading to the pole, it is designed to cut through, to penetrate that which is too hard for an ordinary boat.

For that which is usually used to contain, to retain, to maintain, shall be used to break through, to obtain, to regain.

Like a battering ram breaking in to that which stubbornly refuses to welcome you in.

For my point shall be made.

My intention is for you to expand, to have more territory, to embark from the shore, being sure that you will reach your destination regardless of the impending storm.

You see it now don’t you?

Yes Lord, standing on the shore, as the water spouts burst forth all around, stepping forth without hesitation, for if the fountain rises under me, it will only serve to take me higher.

For you will walk upon the depths of that which is turbulent, upon the stormy waters, amidst the deluge that is about to come.

I see the intense darkness of the light, but am reminded of the electrifying moment, when the lightning just empowered my every step.

For the one who knows how to ride the biggest waves, leaves the shore when others step back in fear.

For the rainmaker has no fear of the rain.

For when my chosen one approaches the multitude, there is great impact.

Fear not for I have given you my words to speak.

For many in authority will recognise that you are the authority.

For the fortress is typically a place of defence, yet for you it will be an instrument of offence.

For the one who stands confident in the place of adversity brings forth confidence, gives birth to strength, brings light to the darkness, provides a way forward in the wilderness of the unknown.

For you wonder how you will know what to say, and yet you read the textbook on the subject in 2 hours and don’t learn anything new.

What will it take to convince you that you know what is unknown?

I need to agree with your commanded blessing and walk in it, for only you know the way, only you know what is unknown.

It is the power of my promise.

It is the order by my command.

It is upon the ground of my word.

Act like you have my endorsement.

Act like you stand upon my word, reveal with confidence my confidence, speak with my authority.

For the chosen one, will have choice.

For as the seed bursts forth and has impact, you will have impact.

As a tree has many branches, so will your impact.

For the fountain bursts forth from the hollow place and flows over the thirsty land.

For you shall be uncontained.

Come out of the box.

Set yourself free from confinement.

Unlock the prison door.

For from the low place you shall occupy the high place.

For by the power of my word you shall occupy the throne.

For it shall be as I have spoken.

For one whom I have anointed to be king, must sit upon the seat I have reserved for him.

Taken from Low debar to the royal table.

Taken from the place of no communication to having a voice at the table.

For your destiny is defined by who I have called you to be, not your destination.

Your destination is defined by your destiny.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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