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Attend to My Way

Attend to my way

Peace attend to my way.

Take some action on my way.

Wait on my way.

Give some attention to my way.

Peace like a river flow.

Pour out calm.

Like soothing balm bring calm. Numb that which is hurt. Like glue restore that which is broken. Make better than before. Torn but now stronger than before. No scar. No wound. No sign of hurt. No reminder of what was broken.

Bathe in it, be refreshed by it. Feel it. Sense it. Receive it. Let me attend to you. Let peace attend to you. Let me restore the pieces.

Not a reversal, not a rewind, not a playback, not a rinse and repeat. Not a return to what was. Not back to the start. A NEW beginning. Better than before, stronger than before, pushed down to receive more.

To much who has given, much will given. A large measure. A spade not a spoonful. I’m reversing back the truck. A full load. Make room. I’m making room.

No backing up, just receive.

Be calm.

When peace like a river attends to my way. The gentle caress of the water. The mist on my face. The refreshing stream of his goodness.

Rest and let me attend to you. You need not attend to yourself. Be a “no show”. Don’t turn up. Don’t be there, for yourself. Let me attend. Let me show up. Let me attend to it. If this is the season of the overflow, will I give you more than you can contain?

Yes. The answer is YES. More than enough. More when you have had enough. More when you can’t take any more. Let me attend to the overflow. The breaking out, the breaking through. The mess over the edge. The stuff beyond the horizon. Where you cannot see.

I am beyond the edge. I love extreme sports. I live on the edge. There is no risk to me, when I go over the edge, beyond the limit, I shall not fall.

You cannot lean forward, for you must now lean back. Adopt a receiving posture. Let me give to you. I am giving you capacity to receive. Ponder that!

Is that not the greatest gift?!

All you need to ask me, in this season, is how would you like me to receive this? I am giving to you, there is much for you to receive. Keep your arms open, embrace and receive the gift. Stretch your arms wide, do not hold back, you will not be embarrassed, you will not fall short.

Do not be dismayed at the sight of their faces, but as one who is delighted to receive. Be welcoming, be open minded, be receptive. Be the master receptionist!

Answer the phone. Just say how can I help you? That is the question. How can I help you?

You take the first step, I’ll take the step that is beyond you! I am beyond you!

Trust me, lean back, lean into me, lean in to each other, be not weak, but strong. Be not poor but rich. Act like the season has changed. Do not speak with old words, leave the old baggage at the baggage keeper. Speak of it no more, carry not the old hurts. For you are no longer slaves without possessions, but free to possess that which I have given you!

Jeremiah 31:12 The people will climb up Zion’s slopes shouting with joy, their faces beaming because of God’s bounty— Grain and wine and oil, flocks of sheep, herds of cattle. Their lives will be like a well-watered garden, never again left to dry up.

Cross over, no turning back. Embrace my goodness, be relieved. Accept my relief. Receive my peace.

Breathe, release the sigh, let it go. Lift your lips up! No more frowning. Let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your face is ravishing, and your voice soothing to my ear!

Song of Songs 2:11-14 Look around you: Winter is over; the winter rains are over, gone! Spring flowers are in blossom all over. The whole world’s a choir—and singing! Spring warblers are filling the forest with sweet arpeggios. Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed, and cherry trees fragrant with blossoms. Oh, get up, dear friend, my fair and beautiful lover—come to me! Come, my shy and modest dove— leave your seclusion, come out in the open. Let me see your face, let me hear your voice. For your voice is soothing and your face is ravishing.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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