At the Limit
And here you find yourself.
And here you find yourself at the limit.
Up against it.
Back to the wall.
But you already know what I am going to say!
If your back is against the wall, you are facing the wrong way. For in your strength I can scale any wall, or walk through the wall. For there is no limit...
And I see you stopped right there.
And I see you paused for a moment.
And I see you had a Selah moment.
For you and I need to talk about boundaries.
For in some ways, you have no respect of boundaries, you love to colour outside the lines.
In others you reach a limit, you reach a boundary, and then you want to describe in intricate detail the nuances of it.
At this time, for this time.
At this time, for this time.
At this time, for this time.
For this is the time of the times.
For this is the place of multiplication.
This is the time of being over the edge.
This is the time to say unto yourself "I'm beyond it!"
For the caterpillar, rests upon the edge, cleaves unto the edge, holds on to the edge, eats the edge, consumes the edge, lives upon the edge.
But the same creature, rests upon the edge for a brief moment, lands upon the edge for a brief moment, comes to deposit something on the edge, gives something to the edge, leaves something behind on the edge.
One lives on the edge, the other simply sees the edge as a temporary resting place, a place of transition, a place that changes every time it is visited.
From one edge to another edge, from one resting place to another, from one limit to another, from one pinnacle of growth to another, from one point to another, from one ultimate point of growth to another, from one height to another.
For one leaves the boundary, to rise to place without boundary.
One rests upon that which is solid and immovable, the other rests upon the flow of the wind, of that which has no substance.
Once looks for the place of security and shelter, the other looks down upon the place of shelter, from the place that is above.
One is bound to the limit.
The other is bound to the flow, literally goes with my flow.
One bows to convention.
One exposes themselves.
One hides themselves.
One has a posture of crawling.
The other has posture of elevation, of rising above.
One looks down upon the limit, the other holds fast and is limited.
One pushes back upon the limit and rises from it.
One consumes and is limited, the other produces and multiplies.
It is time to show your true colours.
It is time to show off what you are made of.
For one unfurls, and unwraps itself.
The other when provoked, curls up in a ball of self protection.
One is afraid to come out into the open.
The other occupies the open space, the wide open space.
One soars upon that which is invisible.
One crawls amidst the covering, trying to keep itself covered.
Be uncovered, be unwrapped, extend yourself, reveal yourself, lift up yourself, say unto yourself, repeat this after me
"I am the chosen one, I am the anointed one, I am the strong one, I am the Lord's prophet, I will speak all that I am commanded to say, I will turn up the intensity of the light, I will set fire to the camp of the enemy, I will pat myself upon the back, I will promote myself, I will elevate myself, I will stand out from the crowd. When confronted I will not back down. I will not have second thoughts, only first thoughts, thoughts that resonate with an Alpha, thoughts that resonate the thoughts of the Creator."
And what is it you see?
And what is it you feel?
I see the breaking of chains, I see the very ground breaking as we advance, I feel a breaking of atmospheres, I breaking of all that contains us.
Yes thats it. For I have broken that which contained you.
It is time to come out of your shell.
It is time to rise from your cocoon.
For if I have chosen you, then what is your choice?
Will you choose yourself?
For what you see is the brokenness of that which contained you.
Your choice is to stay in the shell of all that I have broken, or step out and away from it, to spread your wings and fly.
For the shell was only designed as a temporary container.
For the container has definition, and yet has no movement.
For when that which is contained is released, freedom is announced.
For I love the way you think.
And yet I am taking your thoughts to a whole new level.
I am elevating your thoughts.
For you pause and wonder what man will think, and are excited when a "thought leader" likes your post.
Its like you don't like yourself, and therefore you look for the likes of another to consider yourself likeable.
But the change that is coming is so much more familiar to you, than to many others.
Allow me to lead your thoughts, then express my thoughts.
For you can see it emerging now.
All the consultants talking about how they should approach a problem, and then going through all the boring usual things.
But the power that is emerging across the land is creative, cannot be limited, should not be limited, is without limit.
For it has been said of some "they are not the creative types", and yet for each of these what is it you have seen?
They are often the most creative, they have the most creative "hobbies".
Yes what they have put to the side, must come from the background to the foreground.
For you see it correctly, this is a time of creativity like never before.
For that which crawls, and stays hidden, consumes for a time, but it's purpose is to first be transformed, and then to transform that which it comes into contact with.
One receives and is limited.
The other gives and receives and is blessed.