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Be un wrecked.

Be without wreckage.

Be unbroken.

Be without ruin.

For this is the place of gathering.

The picking up.

The picking up of the pieces.

The assembling.

The reversal.

The start of the new.

The holding of the new.

Hold on to the new.

Be and hold on to the new.

Behold I am doing a new thing.


Unlike anything before.

From the place of dislike to the place of the like.

A new likeness.

A new beholding.

A new thing to like.

Unlike anything before.

In the likeness of.

In the likeness of me.

Resembling me.

Bearing resemblance to me.

For what does it look like?

For it shall look like me.

You shall recognise me in and through it.

In the place of the gathering you shall gather.

You know what I am saying.

You recognise the fulfilment of the promise.

As you declared it, I made it so.

As you prophesied it for the future, I brought it to pass now.

Ahead of schedule.

Fulfilled at the first step.

The forecast for the future, fulfilled in the first step.

Did I not say un-expect!

For your expectation is too small.

Your timing is off.

Did I not say, lets start with a multiple of 10!

Did I not say a 100 fold increase in the year of the famine.

You know what I am saying!

I know that you know, but you don’t want to talk about it.

For there you sat, pondering freedom, pondering release, not knowing how to act, yet just taking another step.

Step by step, line by line, precept upon precept.

Pressing in.

Drawing near.

Refusing to let go.

Refusing to let me go!

Embracing that which you could not grasp.

Now grasping that which you could not embrace.

Now taking hold of that which you could not grasp.

Now understanding that which you could not comprehend.

There are so many levels of where you almost lost the plot.

Even the words you spoke, were my words upon your lips.

Get it together man!

Are these not the words of the gatherer!

Have I not given you this togetherness!

Have I not given you the gift of the gathering!

There you came.

There you came upon.

There you stood before the assembly!

For I have called you to the front!

To the forefront!

To come before.

To come out front!

To be in front!

For you are my designate!

For you were unprepared for this moment.

Taken aback.

Taken back.

For I have bestowed upon you greatness.

My love stands before you and beside you.

I know that you did not know what to say, yet I put my words upon your lips…

For it is such a great blessing to us to have you all here today. Such a testament to God’s goodness. For we did not just survive, we are FREE! It has been so easy for us…

You could feel it all coming together.

In a moment, in an instant my glory on display!

The words, my word released by you, birthing freedom all around.

Did I not say that you would know what it is like to be fulfilled.

Filled with my fullness.

Astounded by the work of my hands.

For this is but a taste of what is to come.

The place of the gathering.

The gathering of the dry bones.

The gathering of that which was long lost and forgotten.

Dead and not buried.

Death on display.

Discarded and disregarded, rejected and not given a proper burial.

The work of the enemy on display.

Yet now the work of my hands.

For I breathe upon you again.

I breathe upon the dust and it come to life.

Now I breathe on the dead and it is resurrected and brought together.

A new assembly.

The assemblance of that which was broken.


Unable to be broken.

New levels of wholeness.

New levels of gathering.

New communities of freedom.

For this is the work of my hands.

Fear not for I am with you.

Enter in to all that I have promised.

Declare all that I have promised.

For all shall be staggered at what is to come.

Beyond belief, beyond your wildest imagination, beyond all that you can grasp.

Embrace all that I have set before you.

Stand in awe and wonder.

Beyond wonder.

Full of wonder.

Jaw dropping.

Life changing.

For by the power vested in me I now pronounce….



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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