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So here you find yourself.

So there you find yourself.

Here or there you shall be found.

For you go searching for yourself only to find yourself.

For the lost can only be found.

The lost shall be found.

That which was lost shall be found.

For here you shall find yourself.

You feel the spiral.

Pushing down upon it only draws blood.

Only causes my blood to flow.

Only causes a bloody mess.

For this is the inversion point.

For that which was down shall now be up.

For that which pointed down, now points up.

For you go to dig yourself a big pit.

For you are so used to digging up the dry ground.

Down you go. Pushing down with all your might.

Yet all you get is blood on your hands.

For that which you are pushing on faces up not down.

Looking down on the spire.

Pushing down on the spire.

You want to flip it up and push it down.

You want to drill into it with your bear hands.

Harder and harder you press.

Yet the sharp edges only cut into your hands.

Is this not the point?

Is this not my point?

For your point shall not be suppressed.

You want to bury your point, submerge your point, lose your point, for you are over the point, you want to be without a point, for the only point you want to make is “pointless!”

You want to press down on your aspirations, all that you aspire to, and be without aspiration.

For if you have no point, then you have nothing to contend for, but also nothing to contend with. You only want to be content.

Yet I am not settling here with you.

This is not my position.

For I am calling you up.


Oh now we are talking!

Are these not your words!

Well, excuse me for speaking this way!

For you shall not go down.


I know you want me to calm down! To settle down! To stop being so harsh on you.

But there is no downward spiral here.

For that which flows down upon you, shall only cause you to rise.


For it shall not be as it was before!

Why are you so surprised the enemy wants you to come down from the wall?

Is this not my place of habitation?

Is this not my territory?

Is this not the fulfilment of the promise?

The establishment of an everlasting community.

This is the only settlement I’m settling for!

For you shall make your point.

Come up to the elevated place.

Walk the edge of the spiral and come up higher.

For you shall reach the high place, the pinnacle, the point.

It is time to release my power.

For I am pushing back on all that comes against you.

You see it now don’t you?

That which comes against you shall turn and be for you!

For I am turning the tables on all that was before.

A breaking of the chains.

An elevated point. A point that cannot be suppressed. A point that can only be supported.

Far from pointless, for you shall be my point!

It is time to break the arm of your opponent.

I am making a scene, a spectacle, a show, a showcase of my power.

For all shall see it and pause in wonder, in awe and wonder.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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