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As Promised

In the place of the promise.

In the promised place.

In the promised place.

Can I not deliver on my promise?

For this land is called the “promised land”

For I cannot let myself down.

For I cannot disappoint myself.

I cannot step down from my throne.

For can I be anything but God?

For my words cannot fail to deliver.

Yet what is it you see now?

A broken tile, smashed by a point, in order to make a point. Yet what was the point? For all I see is brokenness.

For the broken one, shall be my instrument of wholeness.

The piece that was removed, shall come again.

What is it you see now?

A covering over that which was broken, to paper over it, to pretend it was not there, yet the pain of it lingers.

And now?

The glow of your fire, dimmed at first, yet then sparking into life, beneath the surface, yet it rises. For your fire needs no oxygen to burn.

I am turning up the heat.

I am burning away that which covers.

I am bringing life to that which was dead.

For the independent one, the insolent one, the authoritative one, the alone one, the separate one, the burdened one, the lost one, the hidden one, the battered one, the bruised one, the outcast one, the exiled one, the banished one, the limited one, the broken one, the dirty one, the buried one, the irritated one, the tired one, shall become…

The unified one, the appointed one, the royal one, the pre-eminent one, the welcomed one, the embraced one, the cared for one, the clean one, the resurrected one, the exulted one, the manifest one.

For that which you have screwed up and thrown away, I am unfurling, I am unwrapping, I am ironing out the creases, I am manifesting.

For you were tempted to take the bait, yet I am standing in the way.

You can see my hands stretched out ready to catch whatever you are throwing out.

For I know.

For now you know that I know.

Now you know that you have knowledge.

For now you want to banish all that rejected you, you want to stand there with you hands on your hips, and cry out in pain, in judgement, in self righteousness.

But take heed to the position of your hand!

For is it upon your hips to help you hand upright?

It is upon your hips to bolster your own position?

Is it all about strutting your stuff?

For where is it you most like to place your hand?

Upon the hip of my beloved!

And what does this represent to you?

Intimacy, connection, unity, a warm reception, the place of much love.

So is this the hand that you will offer to those who rejected you?

Is it not all about your posture?

If you believe?

For you touch that which is most intimate with your beloved, for you have permission, for you occupy the place of love. There is no trespass here, there is no restriction here, in fact she has declared from her own lips how this makes her feel.

Loved, protected, safe.

Is this not your calling?

Are you not my overflow in the place of much lack?

Why consult with a beggar on how you should spend your resources.

Why ask permission from anyone but me?

For I have given you free reign.

It is time to take off the wrapping, time to unwrap my gift, time to let it rip!

Yet I don’t know how to be with them, as I know how to be with my beloved.

Yet I have placed my kindness within you, I have placed my love within you, I have place my promise within you, I have placed my strength within you, I have wrapped you in my love.

For who shall reject the one I love?

Have I not gone before you?

Have I not mapped out your territory?

Have I not walked upon this land?

Have I not been here before?

So go ahead, for I have gone ahead.

Was it not my love that made the first move?

Was it not my love that had all the moves?

For when you did not know what to say, when you did not know how to respond, did I not invite you to come?

It was so kind….Even the way you went about it, was so personal.
When I did not know what to say, you put your words on display.

So come again by the fire.

Bring again my fire.

Bathe in the reflected glow of my love.

For I can be trusted to restore, to bring wholeness, to bring love, to pour out my oil of joy for mourning.

And how shall you respond to my love, to my advances?

In awe and wonder, with delight and passion, with confidence that you have a way forward, a delightful adventure called life to the full.

A you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the rebuilder of ancient ruins.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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