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At the time of your arrival.

Upon the time of your arrival.

When the moment arrives.

As the door opens.

At the moment of entry.

At the time of your access.

At the time of the opening.

When the door opens before you.

At the time of your arrival.

In readiness for your arrival.

In preparation for your arrival.

At the time of your appearing.

When you appear before them.

At your inauguration.

At the time of your reception.

For when my glory appears.

If you don’t mind, I will reveal my mind.

If you don’t mind, I will reveal what is on my mind.

For I intend to blow their minds.

For I intend to blow upon their mind.

For in a moment of transcendence.

For in a moment of elevation.

For at the time of your elevation.

A momentous moment of great momentum.

I declare a life changing moment.

A moment talked about for years to come.

An incursion, and excursion.

An invasion, a pervasion.

A permeation.

A new beginning.

A birthing of a new generation.

The next generation.

A new generation for a generation.

For I say unto you, I have given you that which they seek.

For you wonder what you shall say, yet I will give you words of wonder.

For you wonder how this will translate to something practical.

Yet in the revealing.

Yet in the revealing there is great revelation.

For in the unveiling their eyes will be opened.

For they will say of it “that was eye opening!”

For I will bind them unto you.

I will cause them to follow you.

And you shall make disciples of them.

For you will show them the way forward, and they shall go with you.

For this will be my doing.

This will be the work of my hands.

For you wonder what to do, what to say, what to deliver, how to proceed.

Yet in the procession there shall be progression.

Many will offer to assist.

Many will offer their services free of obligation and without charge.

For they see you walking on the water, and will take the leap of faith to join you.

For it shall not be like it was before.

For I will not be unto you as I was before.

For you can free my strength bursting forth in you, in ways you have not known, like you literally want to go for a run.

For I have given you my strength.

For I have given you divine strength that NO hostile power can overcome.

I command you to be whole.

I command you to speak wholeness.

I command you to speak like an overcoming force, like an all conquering force.

For I know you sense the wrestling, you feel the toss and the turn, yet it shall be your turn, if you do not turn away.

For in the place of the turning, you shall have your turn.

It is time to rise again.

It is time for something new to come from something old.

For what is it you see now?

The dried up autumn leaf, about to be blown away, never to return, and then a drop from heaven above falls upon it, and it is instantly green.

For your enemy tries to convince you that you have done something wrong, that in some way your vision is actually someone else’s. Yet this is not so!

This is a lie, that he wants you to lie upon, to rest upon, to stop you in your tracks.

For you wonder what you will say of your opponent, for I see you torn between great love and great sadness for him.

Yet whilst you gave him your all, he wanted to take your all.

You wonder what is the plan, when all I have planned for you is wonder.

It is time to take off the bloody clothes.

It is time to take off, to wash off the blood from your hands.

For it was never your desire to injure, but to make whole.

Yet he would not receive it. His vision was too small, was so limited, so restrained.

For you were right to ask, “how can he who knows no bounds, be bound to that which is so limited?”

It is time to reclaim your power.

It is time to take up your appointment.

For this is my appointment.

This is the seat I have reserved for you.

If I am declaring you worthy, who are you to disagree?

For the power I have given you knows no bounds.

That explains why I have feel like I have more strength than I personally need.

Yet the power I have given you is designed to flow upon, be released upon, to be bestowed on those who follow you.

For my blessing flows down from the head, to those who I have appointed to your care.

You want to shake it off, yet it is designed to flow from you, like a fountain.

For fountains rise at my command, and cannot be turned off by any man’s hand.

For the time of your rising is here.

For I am giving you my authority, my endorsement.

You shall be unto them as I am to you.

A boundless source that know no boundary.

A life giving source of blessing.

The one who shall be a blessing to so many.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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