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Without feeling.

In the absence of a feeling.

Amidst the storm.

In the place of the whirlwind.

In the tension of transition.

In the place of the crossing over.

In the place of the leaving and the cleaving.

In the absence of.

In the presence of.

In recognition of.

How would you like to be recognised?

By what means shall they recognise you?

On what basis?

By what frame of reference?

By what means shall they comprehend?

In the formative phase.

In the phase of the formation.

At the end of your “induction” as they described it.

What did you want them to say?

By what means can they describe the work of my hands?

By what means do you recognise an empty cocoon?

By what means do you recognise a placenta?

For that which is life giving in one season, is discarded in the next.

For that which provided shelter from the storm, that which nurtured your soul during your incubation, your transformation now serves no purpose.

For that which was fit for a purpose, is now discarded on purpose.

For the shell before it is broken, provides a means to an end.

Yet when the end is revealed, that which contained it is broken.

How shall you feel about that which is broken?

Will your mourn for it, or will you celebrate that which it have given birth to?

For one serves a purpose to contain.

Another serves a purpose to release.

And yet another once released delivers a total paradigm shift.

For why mourn for that which was broken for a purpose?

Why seek that which is living amongst the dead?

For he has risen.

For you have risen.

For that which was contained is now released.

For the tomb served its purpose.

Yet it was so different that what was anticipated.

For that which departs is buried, never to rise again.

Yet that which is transformed, comes alive again in a different form.

For the purpose of transformation is to reform, is to transform, is to bring forth the new from that which is now old.

For the caterpillar enters its tomb, only to be reborn as a butterfly.

For the incubation brings forth the restoration.

For the incubation brings forth the restoration.

For the incubation births the restoration.

For that which was lost, is now found.

For that which now appears is reformed.

Yet that which is reformed bears no resemblance to that which was previously formed.

It appears to be a new creature.

Behold the appearance of the new.

So unlike the old.

For how does the new regard that which was?

How does one view the means?

For so many it is just the means to an end, and the end is all that matters to them.

Yet the means, the mechanics, the methods, the process matters to you.

You prefer the “how” and the “why” to the “who” and the “what”.

For you provided a means to their end, now they will provide a means to your end.

Yet this whole process, is really a process towards wholeness.

For when wholeness is birthed, what regard does it have for that which is broken?

For wholeness is released from that which is broken.

For wholeness is released from that which is broken.

For the waters break in order to release the baby that is about to be born.

For the shell is broken as the chick comes out of its shell.

For wholeness comes forth from brokenness.

For what is it you see now?

Ink falling from nowhere onto the page, manifesting your words.

For who can explain all that I have done for you?

Only you Lord.

I see you pondering, I see you wondering, hoping for more than you received.

Yet what value do they ascribe to your service?

It seems so very little.

For the caterpillar goes about its business under the cover, underneath the surface, hiding amidst the colour, and then hides itself in a place of shelter.

And yet, and yet, and yet when the transformation is complete.

It rises above.

It comes out of it’s “shell..”

So manifestly manifest.

A manifestation of that which is manifest, of my manifest, of my glory.

For the caterpillar consumes, the butterfly reproduces and multiplies.

The caterpillar lies hidden, the butterfly stands out, the butterfly rises above.

The butterfly has no boundary, no limitation, no fixed address, has an expanded domain.

For what is to come is so much larger than you expect.

For they mistook you for one of them, yet you are of a different kind.

Set apart for glory.

A manifestation of my glory.

For you will look back on this season as merely an initiation, a rite of passage into a whole new world of blessing.

For blessings shall pour down the mountain, shall drip from the mountain, shall overflow the boundary line.

For I have chosen to bless you beyond your wildest imagination.

For they shall be drawn to you.

For what is it you see now?

Many gathered around my table, on the face of it, it looks like a meeting of the kings of industry, and yet when your attention is directed to me, my face is shining like the sun.

For by unfamiliar paths will I guide you.

I intend for you to stand out in the crowd.

Just reflect my glory, for it shall be glorious.

Just be yourself.

Just be myself.

Put on my cloak of glory.

Receive my mantle of glory, for it shall be glorious.

Get ready for a major announcement.

Get ready for your coronation.

Get ready for your second coming.

Get ready for the return of the king.

For my coat of favour shall rest upon you.

This is the work of my hands.

My handiwork.

Evidence of my hand at work.

Let it be unto me as you have said Lord.

For the butterfly simply unfurls its wings to reflect all the glory, to manifest all the glory I have placed within.

Now is the time to come out of hiding.

Now is the time of the parade.

Now is the time for your coronation.

Leave the planning with me.

Get excited for all that is to come, for it shall be glorious.

Leave behind the cocoon, for now is the time to fly.

Arise, take up your bed, and walk.

Be free, feel free, release freedom, establish freedom.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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