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For you shall rise to the place of the falling.

For I am beyond it.

More than enough.

More than you expect.

Way beyond all you expect.

You present me with your big bucket thinking that is enough.

Yet you have no idea what I have in store for you.

You come to me with your bucket, wondering if you are at the well.

Pause and reflect on this.

Which came first, the bucket or the water?

Was it not the water?

You see the ripples over the edge, before the bucket was full.

For I operate beyond the edge.

Beyond your line that contains.

More and more.

So much more and more.

Beyond your enough.

Your definition of fullness is not mine.

You look for the bucket to be full as some sort of definition or object lesson of fullness.

Yet my fullness is beyond any limitation.

What is the point of a bucket?

Is is not to contain?

Just be without a bucket. For you need no container.

Does not the water come from heaven above?

For you shall rise up to the place of the falling.

Is this not the point?

The pinnacle of my outpouring.

The pinnacle of the falling.

Not a washing away, yet the place of overflow.

Upon the edge, the place of the pouring.

The fountain rises up to the place of the falling.

The place of the shift.

The place of the shifting.

Shifting the pieces.

Amidst the flow a shifting of the pieces.

New levels.

Once piece above another, another piece beneath another.

An evenness to the flow.

A new water feature.

A new feature of the flow.

Flowing over the edge. Four flows on each edge. An equal flow.

An impact without touch.

A whoosh.

A precision to the impact without touching.

A tearing to the edge without touch. A drawing out, a separation.

This is what new life looks like.

A breaking of that which contains.

Light shining upon the edge.

A rustling upon the edge.

A new movement of the old.

You go to move the old and a new thing happens.

For that which was limited, that led to limited movement, has been transformed.

The movement upon the edge.

The leg that crawled is now the wing that flys.

Edge upon edge.

Line upon line.

Transparency upon the edge.

Clarity upon the edge.

Seeing through the edge.

The unfurling upon the edge.

For it unfurls upon the edge.

Note the small movement that led to small steps before this time.

Note how in this season, it shall not be as before.

The small movement shall lead to a large leap.

In one moment you will find yourself off the ground.

The more you step the higher you shall fly.

For I have given you the power to fly.

Supported by that which is invisible, no need to put your feet upon the ground.

No need to rely on that which you have previously stepped upon.

A new means of progress.

A new life that rises.

For at each movement, you shall rise higher.

We need to rise above. Come out of the place of containment.


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This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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