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Get ready for appearances.

For what is your appearance.

How is it that you appear?

What is the appearance of?

For what is the purpose of appearance?

How is it you regard appearance?

How does appearance look?

What is it that it appears to be?

For man looks on the outward appearance?

Yet the godly man looks for my appearance?

How it that you found yourself pointing?

What was it that you were pointing to?

Right there in the midst of it, you found yourself pointing.

For you know my point!

For when someone asks you what is the point? You know the answer.

I am the point.

I see the smile on your lips as you pause and reflect.

For when so many think their life is pointless, I have given you the answer.

There in the midst.

There in the line of fire.

There in the centre of view.

There when everyone else was moving around, I appointed you to make a point.

There you found yourself.

There you abandoned all restraint, you through off the shackles of appearance .

It was in your DNA, it is the predisposition of your family members to point when they become so excited about their point.

You remember so vividly your father’s last sermon, where her boldly declared “you have the mind of Christ”, raising his finger to make his point, to emphasise his point, to reinforce his point, to make my point, to place my point, where otherwise there would be no point.

Throwing off all constraint, abandoning all restraint, there he was making my point.

And here you find yourself, boldly declaring my point, pointing your finger at what I showed you.

You feel it again now, although some time has passed.

Yet I want to remind you of it.

A raging fire, bursting out, and each time I breathed out, it exploded all around. I found myself fanning the flame, as it grew higher and higher. Exploding sparks, ignited by my hand, like seeds of fire. Like fireworks. A celebration of my goodness. At the unexpected time, when all least expected it, long after the preacher declared an outpouring of joy, you found yourself laughing so hard at all that I was doing. It was like I had invited you to a party in the midst of the crowd and you were the only one you got the joke!

It is time to shake off, to throw off all restraint, it is time to make a point.

What is it that came from your lips, as you found yourself pointing at all that I was showing you?



And if you turn away every finger pointed in scorn, and break every yoke of oppression….

Then your light shall shine.

Then your light shall shine.

Then your light shall shine like the noonday!

Brighter and brighter, like the sun shining in the midst.

Bursting forth all around.


Like Paul on the road to Damascus, shining so brightly that he became blind to natural appearance.

He could see nothing of appearance, yet was dazzled by my appearance.

Yet you have no fear of my appearance.

You look for me in the darkness.

You look for me in the light.

You look forward to my appearance.

Invite me to come and stand with you.

For I will stand with you.

Arise for my glory rises upon you.

Look out for my appearance.

For I am coming over.

For as was said “The Lord himself shall come over to your house!”

Shake off all notion of appearance.

Embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For I have hold of you.

For I get the point.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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