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And now for something completely different.

I see your hesitation.

I see your face.

I see your thoughts.

I see your agitation.

Feel my anticipation, sense my anticipation, step into my senses.

Abandon all sense, and feel my sense.

I see you wondering if this vision was from me.

I see you pondering whether to write about it.

I see you having second thoughts.

But I see you going back for seconds.

I see you wanting to place this off limits.

Yet I want you to step in, to step over, to embrace all that I have for you.

And I saw him.
And I beheld him.
Building with such great delight.
Erecting the frame of an extravagant house, hammering in each nail with such precision and foresight.
So proud of what he had accomplished.
Excited for the seed he had sown.
A broad smile of great delight on his face.
He took such great delight in all he had sowed.
And he stood there in great anticipation of what was to come.
He stood back and gazed with awe and wonder as though the work had been done.
And yet what did I see?
Just the frame of a house, just the smallest seed sprouting forth from the dry ground.
I don’t know what to think about this?

From the outside it appears that this man has everything anyone could hope for, and yet you know so much is missing.

Yet there is great contrast.

He has so much but keeps it to himself, but really possesses so little.

Yet you possess so little, but have so much.

You appear so curious about the smile on his face, as for you the work is so incomplete, there is no reason for joy until the work is done.

Yet this is the joy of anticipation.

There is no lack in you.

For you are the full expression of my fullness.

For you possess my seed. My seed needs nothing to grow.

I need nothing from you to fulfil my plans.

Yet this is my seed.

This is my beginning.

This is the start of something.

This beginning of something.

This is the manifestation of all that is to come.

For I have given you great power to build, to tear down, to plant and to build.

For nothing will stand in your way.

Nothing stands in your way.

Lord restore his health, Lord show up in his room, bring your flashes of glory before his eyes. Show him what really matters, show him what matters to you.

And what is it you see?

A royal robe being placed on his shoulders, a covering of great care, being wrapped in a blanket of great care. I can see the look of great love and affection on his face, like he knows that he is so loved, for the first time.

For I have saved the best to last.

The best times are ahead.

The time of the times is here!

Shall I bring the child to birth and then not see their life through until my work is complete?

At what point is the building complete, surely this is when everything is in place?

Yet what I have given you is organic, how do you know how far it will grow?

You have shown me is a a huge tree, with branches you can walk upon, with fruit the size of watermelons.

I see you wrestling with how to explain what you have in your hand, but you can see the smile on my face.

You want me to prophesy about what is to come, before it has arrived!

Yes get excited, anticipate with overflowing joy what is to come.

For I am pouring out my joy and delight upon you, and all those around you.

For my joy overwhelms the work of the enemy.

Be baptised in my joy, be fully immersed in my joy, expect the best most impossible outcome.

Grab hold of it, embrace what you cannot grasp.

Be joyful with anticipation, like you do when your beloved hops naked into bed with you!

HAHA Made you laugh!

You know me so well Lord. For it is not about what happens next, it is about the joy and delight of the wonderful gift you have given me.

Yes keep that smile on your face, for it will only get better from here.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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