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An Expression of My Delight

I am lost for words, I don’t know what to say…

For my word has gone out.

I have put my word upon your lips.

For I have given you utterance.

Words to say, the movement of the mouth, a voice, a means to express.

Express, my expression, be expressive.

Manifest my goodness, manifest my love, be present not absent.

For I shall give you the words to say.

For you shall have words, you possess my words, you shall know what to say.

For this is what I have to say about it…

You shall thresh the mountains, you shall bring to dust all that stands in your way, there shall be no wall, no boundary that you cannot cross, for you have crossed the line.

The enemy thinks you are trespassing but this is your land, this is your territory, this is the place you shall inhabit, this is the land of your dwelling.

Don’t dwell on the opposition, dwell in the land.

Be still and know, let stillness pervade, let stillness invade, be without disturbance, be undisturbed, remain calm, stay calm , dwell in the calm, live in the calm, rest in the calm.

For my calm is undisturbed, cannot be disturbed, is the place of peace, nothing causes me alarm.

For I have put the enemy on notice, I have erected the sign “Foreclosure”, I’m taking possession of this land. I have declared them bankrupt, without the means to honour, lacking in their ability to honour.

Yet you are not without honour, for I have declared you honourable, as one possessing great honour.

For there is a great outpouring, great abundance is coming, multiplied abundance, abundance multiplied, a measure that is beyond measure. Where that which you once considered large, will be called immaterial, insignificant. Where the hundreds, the thousands, the hundred thousand will be considered small.

For the one who possesses all, lacks nothing, misses nothing, is not precious about what is taken or given away.

For have seen your generous heart, I have not forgotten your acts of kindness, your giving despite the taking.

For you have spared not, I have set you apart for this, I will spare not, I will not spare them from my wrath, I will not spare you from my abundance.

I have resolved to resolve, I have determined to resolve, there shall be resolution.

Don’t tell them like it is, tell them how it shall be, express your desire, express my desire, be expressive.

For the one who comes against you wants you to remain silent, to cause you to hesitate, to stammer, to restrain yourself.

Yet I want you to express yourself, to burst forth, to take charge, to have greater impact, to make a decree, to proclaim, to make a proclamation.

I am afraid of the position, the notion of supreme ruler, the one possessing all authority.

You will not need to fight, just take up your position.

You are ready for this, this is your moment, this is your time, this is your rightful place.

2 Samuel 23:2-5 The Spirit of the Lord spoke in and by me, and His word was upon my tongue. The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me, When one rules over men righteously, ruling in the fear of God, He dawns on them like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning, when the tender grass springs out of the earth through clear shining after rain. Truly does not my house stand so with God? For He has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure. For will He not cause to prosper all my help and my desire?

Regard your seed, have regard for those under your authority, how do you regard them?

The multiples I have given you, how do they regard you?

They will fight for me, they will value what I value, they stand with me, I can trust them. I see them going from strength to strength, to new heights. Yet I wonder how they really feel….

Be not cast down, but cast down, throw down, put down the put downs, lift up the lift ups.

For the weak shall lift up the strong.

Your opponent lays on the floor unable to get up, unable to stand, for he has no power, he is powerless. What power he has, fades in your presence.

For he shall be overcome by my glory, my presence overwhelms him, he cannot stand.

Yet you are my greatly beloved, I’m about to show you all that I have planned, it shall be glorious, it shines brighter and brighter as you approach it. The darkness trembles at your advance.

For this land shall flow with milk and honey. You shall possess the land of your enemies, you shall drive them out on the left and the right.

This is not the end, it is the end of the beginning, from now on you shall deal with multiples, not one but many.

For I have sharpened my scythe, I will cut through and make plain.

For no one shall oppose you, I will flatten all that stands in your way. This path shall be smooth, unexpectedly smooth, you will find this way easy.

I have paved this path, I have established your course, those that come to you will say “of course”.

Fear not, for there is nothing to fear, there is no set back, for the enemy will be set back, will be held back, they pull against you, yet it is I that pulls against them.

They seek to get you off balance, yet I will be your counter balance, for you shall be called “balanced”

Just take off your blood stained coat, drenched with the blood of your enemy, for it drains before you, it drains off you, it drains you.

For I have given you the coat of glory, all shiny and glittery, a walking spectacle, all those who see you shall be dazzled.

“Come out and show your self, come out and show yourself” the enemy cries.

They seek to take you out, yet they shall take you out, they shall bless you with a fine dining experience.

For they shall be dazzled by my reflection. Your face shall shine like the sun. Your face shining with my glory.

For they shall be blinded and be forced to ask you for directions, for direction.

For their prized possession lays shattered at their feet, the look of horror on their faces, for they wonder how they will put it all back together.

Yet my plans and purposes are not fractured, I love the fragments.

That’s why I have made you the restorer of ancient ruins, for you know instinctively what to make of it, this connects with that, the missing piece that brings wholeness.

For you are my instrument of wholeness, I have given you the mantle of wholeness, to make things whole, to bring forth wholeness, to make something out of what was broken that is better than before.

They want to throw it out, they consider it a wasted effort, yet I will make it worthy of their attention, from the ruins I will make something glorious!

For I am worthy, I have established your worth, they will say of you that it was worth it.

For you are my glorious builder, a builder of my glory, for it shines brighter and brighter, an expression of my delight.

Proverbs 4:18 But the path of the uncompromisingly just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until it reaches its full strength and glory in the perfect day to be prepared.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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