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Alter Ego

Live in an altered state.

You possess an altered state.

For the covering does not define you.

You need no special robe, or cape or suit.

For you are under cover, under my cover.

Yet through you I intend to do superhuman things!

For what is it you see? What is your focus?

For as you see so it shall be!

For this is no show and tell, this is not a tale of how things might be, this is how I see it!

See through my eyes, and see the impossible become possible.

For I have given you an altered state, the ability to alter this state.

One moment a trellise the next a fishing net.

One moment a place to grow fruit, the next a place to catch fish.

For you see your hand upon it, pressing against it, but this is my hand upon it.

For you shall see and experience growth like never before, and you shall catch fish like never before by my hand. For my hand is upon you.

For your thoughts infect your destiny.

Here, have another thought, have my thought, live in an altered state.

For you are not normal.

You write these words and from your mouth my words flow. You don’t understand what you are saying and yet you know my words. I’m agreeing with myself.

Your body shakes in confirmation, for I’ve designed you to shake things up.

What is the essence of transformation?


For to alter requires an alter.

You place me at the centre and what do you expect?

Expect alteration.

You keep expecting the same, yet the only thing that remains the same is me. My faithfulness, my intent, my power, my plan, my purpose, my joy, my love, my peace surpasses all understanding.

You say “get with the program” yet you cannot define the curriculum.

You burst forth with laughter now, as you hear me say “it’s no longer about the method it is about the Philosophy”

For the philosophy defines the culture, defines the desire, defines the intent, defines the outcome.

You laugh, because you love Philosophy, but you know it is part of what makes you unique.

It’s not “my way or the highway”, my way is the highway!

Precept by precept, line by line.

This is not a method or a formula or a recipe.

This is not about teaching them first principles.

This not about a rule book.

Do as I do.

I don’t speak about your faults, I prophesy your potential.

I am not your judge, I am your father.

For those who have departed said they did not like to be a “child”.

Be a father to them.

We have talked enough about babies for you to know that I want you to be a father. Go back and take a look.

Prophesy their potential. Move in the opposite spirit. Take the highway.

Show them a better way.

Reflect my culture, establish my culture.

Define the values. What are the attributes?

Infect the culture, affect the culture, effect the culture, enhance the culture.

In whatever the circumstance, my hand is upon you.

Lord you know what I value most – your touch.

“You make all things new”

“You turn the winter into spring, you turn the bitter into sweet”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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