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All Set

In the quietness.

In the stillness.

I am still here.

Am I not the anchor for your soul?

Am I not the one with a firm grip on you?

Am I not the rock upon which you stand?

Though the mountains fall, and everything around you is shaken, my word stands firm.

Hold your ground.

Hold fast to that which is true.

Hold on to that which has hold of you.

For in the place of the slip I will give you a firm grip.

In the place that falls away, I will lift you up.

In the place of the fall, I will hold you up.

For I declare that you are “all set!”

“Get ready, get set, go!”

For I am ready, and I am setting you, for in a moment you will be all set.

For that which was fluid and uncertain, shall now be set.

For that which sets, is firm, is crystal clear, has clarity, has substance, has texture, is solid, has resilience, is not so easily moved.

For in the place of turbulence, there shall be a setting.

A settling, a comfort, a peace, a stillness, a steadiness, some clarity.

For first there is a lifting up.


Celebrate the uplift.

Applaud the lifting up, the elevation, the right standing, the upstanding, the promotion, the applause of all those who sought your demise.

For I intend to bring about a reversal of your fortune.

I am putting everything into reverse.

Say unto that which follows after you, unto that which chases you, unto that which pursues you, LOOK OUT, for here comes the reversal!

A backward step.

A backward movement.

For I have caused you to go back to the beginning.

Back to the start.

Back to the place of the fall.

Back to Egypt.

Back to the place of rejection.

Back to the diminishing.

Back to the place of smallness.

Back to the removal of your influence.

Back to the exile.

Back to the start.

For I intend to restore unto you everything that was lost.

For you shall bring forth deliverance, on the left and on the right.

NO-ONE will escape my judgement, my authority, my majesty, my power.

For when the deliverer arrives, there can only be deliverance.

For you shall be called the one who delivers!


For shall I bring the child forth in the womb, only to prevent the birth of it!

For you shall DELIVER, for you shall give birth to it, you shall be the father to many.



Emit that which pains you!

Cry out as though you are about to give birth!

For first the crying, then the pushing, then the birthing, then the delivery!

For I MYSELF will bring this to birth!

I myself will be your mid-wife!

I myself will stand in the gap!

I myself will hold your ground!

I myself will establish a boundary that no-one can cross.

For wherever you walk I am giving it to you!

Pace it out, walk it out, declare that it is yours, and I personally will bring it to you!

For who wants to be a prince, when you can be my deliverer?

For the poor shall become rich.

The lost shall be found.

The barren shall give birth.

The captive shall be set free.

The imprisoned one, shall have authority over his captor.

The powerless one, shall have power over the powerful.

For you shall deliver in order to possess.

First to bring out, then to lead in.

For you shall lead them out.

They shall say unto you “let me out of here!”

And their delivery will be an easy thing for you.

For your touch shall bring freedom.

You presence will announce my freedom.

For the deliverer carries my freedom with him.

For you shall take away the spirit that binds, you shall break the yoke of the oppressor.

You shall lead away captivity.

You shall take captivity captive.

Test me in this.

Try me in this.

For I have resolved to perform it.

For the time of deliverance is NOW!

Don’t hold back.

Don’t hold yourself back.

Don’t be backwards in coming forward.

For my power rests upon you.

For you wear the robe of my authority.

For you shall inhabit the high place.



I have resolved to put you on a pedestal!

For my delight is upon you.

My love holds your hand.

My love delights in you.

Can you not feel the breaking of the chains!

And the chains fell from his body as the light shone in the prison.

It is time to go, for freedom is here.

For who can hold my freedom captive?

For you are the new thing that I am doing.

Rest in my love.

Celebrate the setting.

Celebrate my stillness.

Receive my love.

For upon you I am pouring out all my affection.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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