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All over it

All over it

The lines have been drawn. The line has been drawn, the line has been drawn upon!

My troops are at your command. Say charge! Charge!

Let my anointing flow, my appointing flow. It overflows over your head, it’s over your head. Down and over all, it pools beneath you. I pour it out, it flows, it flows over, it flows over, when you say I am over it.

I AM ALL over it!

The flow rolls down your arms, envelopes your hand, as you move, the flow spreads all around. It can’t be mopped up, it flows from your anointing. It is MY flow that flows, that cannot be stopped, cannot be contained.

What does it mean to be drenched?

  1. wet thoroughly; soak. “I fell in the stream and was drenched” synonyms: soak, saturate, wet through, wet thoroughly, permeate, drown, swamp, submerge, inundate, flood; douse, souse, swill down, sluice down, slosh; steep, bathe; rinse, wash “rain was falling fast, drenching the countryside”

Force to drink

I will have closure.

There shall be an opening and a closing.

That which is behind you shall be no more.

I am the door. I am the doorman. I do the opening and the closing.

I will shut the door upon that which opposes you. Then you will walk in freedom. Without pursuit. Without harassment. Without a following, you shall possess all that is before you.

The old is about what you had, the new is about what you now possess. Possess my presence, possess my freedom. Possess your position. Your position remains unmoved as you move.

How do you define yourself?

A grasshopper in your own eyes? A Harrow in my eyes. One who shall consume the food of the enemy.

Defined by fear or faith?!

Do you trust me? Really! Do you trust me?

What do you really believe? Did I bring you here to die? Or to live?

What is it you now carry? What is on your back? The whip of your enemy?

No. It is their plunder!

But you must move forward. There is no eating without possession. Eat and possess. Possess and eat. One comes with the other. Take. Partake and consume that which you did not prepare. Sit and dine. Receive and be fed. Drink and it shall overflow before you.

Be consumed with consumption. It is the fattened calf that I have prepared. A time to feast not fast. To celebrate not mourn.

Overflow with joy. For I have given you the oil of gladness. Now it is poured out! It flows all around.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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