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I am turning you on.

I am switching you on.

A new activation.

For when you move, you activate certain muscles.

When you are activated you have access.

When you are activated you are no longer passive.

When you are the active ingredient the bread rises.

For you will cause others to rise.

They will move from an inactive state to an active position.

A new disposition.

An opposite position.

From sitting to standing.

From standing to running.

From fighting to an embrace.

When you stop dissing your position, you will have a new position.

From one place, from one position.

To a new place, a new position.

For I have activated your position.

For what use is the building of something unless you have the key to inhabit it?

For what use is the development of an application without access to the way it works?

Yet they shall be drawn to my drawing.

They will like the shape of it.

A giant building with many rooms, who doesn’t want to occupy it?

This is no mix up, just a new mix.

For one ingredient activates another.

For one tastes ok, the other has some value, but when combined shall amaze.

For what is it that has activated you now?

The young boy, invited to sit at a table with a group of attractive girls. He is just so full of beans, you can see the excitement flowing within and without.

You know I am messing with you!

Yes lord I feel what he feels when I am with the one I love.

I know that is how you are feeling on the inside, but you reserve the expression of it on the outside.

Your heart races, your attention and affection are activated, yet you divert your attention, you distract yourself, lest you are unable to control your excitement.

You have learned to keep your distance.

Yet you have confined yourself, restricted yourself, deactivated yourself, held yourself back, pushed yourself down, locked yourself away.

Yet this line from your favourite movie, echoes over and over for you

You seem particularly triggered right now….

Why so agitated?

For the one I love calls to me and says come…

Yet in that moment I could see so many words written on your face, yet what was your reaction?

I was without words, I was lost for words, I had so many words, but wanted to cover them up, not put them on display.

Yet I knew what you were thinking…

This was such a setup by you Lord. For there I was lost for words, but my beloved had put them on display for all to see.

I could see the laughter forming on your lips when your children asked…

Who died? For it looks like a funeral. It reads from a distance like a eulogy.

I know why you were laughing inside.

For you have a choice to make.

Choose to bury yourself, bury your treasure, hide yourself, withdraw yourself, put yourself in isolation, enter a tomb of your own making and pronounce yourself dead.


Choose to receive. Yes that is the word. For in the receiving of the word, in the receiving of my seed, shall it be made manifest. For first the receiving then the conceiving, then the birthing of that which is manifest.

For you have been wrestling with her disregard for your words, and now find yourself wanting to disregard hers.

For that which is discarded has no regard.

For that which is discarded has no regard.

Yet that which is regarded cannot be discarded.

For I know that you cannot look away from her.

For one look, activates another, arouses another, compels movement towards.

For you know how you see her, you know all the thoughts you have towards her, you will write that book about her.

Yet now I want you to receive her words.

For this is no eulogy, this is a manifesto.

For my words have power.

You cannot reject my words whilst at the same time asking her to accept them.

You know what I am saying


Yes that is it!

You were going to say

Between a rock and a hard place.

But I got in first…

Between the rock and an easy place.

For you know.

For you have heard.

For you know how I roll.

First the releasing of the word.

First the declaration, then the manifestation.

For I have given life to my words.

In the speaking of them shall they come to life.

Have I not given you sufficient evidence of their power?

From the 6 weeks to the two hour result.

It’s pretty simple really.

I have put my word at the centre.

I have put them on display for all to see.

What you say I will make manifest.

Test me in this for as you say to your children “I always pass the test!”

For you have seen my goodness as you have said “my goodness”.

Now you shall see my power as you reveal it.

Focus not on your capability just reveal mine.

For I have sent my word out.

The word has gone out.

I will achieve all that it describes and defines.

For this house was meant to be occupied.

This love was meant for habitation.

This joy for revelation.

This peace as a mist that invades the atmosphere.

This kindness towards you and your family.

This outpouring of my spirit like never before.

It is time to pull the trigger.

Don’t hold back for you won’t be embarrassed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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