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What is there to say about this?

Words cannot describe.

Words cannot express.

Yet I have placed my words in you.

For my word has gone out.

The trump has sounded, the trumpet has sounded, the proclamation made.

What is there to say?

For my words define you.

My word literally defines you.

I spoke your name before you came into existence.

Your name defines you.

“One who fights on behalf of God”

A mighty warrior.

The valiant one.

The fearless one.

The mighty man of Valor.

The standard bearer, the bearer of the standard.

The benchmark.

The measure.

The boundary.

The limit.

The definer, the one who defines.

Yet you find yourself, yes you find yourself, fighting with yourself, wrestling with yourself, contending with yourself, arguing with yourself, questioning yourself.

Is this really up for debate?

Did I not say I would contend with your contention so that you would be content?

You don’t like my definition do you!

You want to redefine my definition, you want to change your name, your essence, you want to be left alone, yet I am calling you out.

Leave me alone you say! Yet you don’t like to be alone. Your greatest desire is to be with your beloved.

You enjoy my company, but you don’t like what I have to say!

You say you are “trying”, but you already know my response.

Don’t try just be.

Rest in my definition. It is not up for debate.

For I knew you before you knew me, before you knew yourself, before you could say a word, I put my words in your mouth.

Your heart longed for me, since the beginning, your desire inflamed, a raging fire within and without.

You are too smart to disagree with me, for you know who I am, you know my thoughts, you know my plans, you know my desire.

You are bursting to say “but”, but what is it you see?

My finger placed over my mouth.

Be still, just be stillness, inhabit my stillness, embrace my definition, my status, my appointment, my declaration.

It is time for you to quit arguing the point!

It is the time of acceptance.

Don’t you just love this word!

For I know who you are, your default is to redefine, to cross the boundary line.

But this is the only acceptable response, this is what you must accept.

“A mighty warrior”, is your name, at the sound of your name the enemy trembles.

The time of wrestling is over.

It is time to accept who you really are!

Be confident in this, be self confident, for if you and I agree on this, who can disagree?

You were excited to be part of my definition, my proclamation for your family, and to reinforce all that I said was true.

Yet now it is time to be excited about my definition of you, embrace it, wear it, place it as a badge of honour. Write it down, put it on the wall!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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