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More than enough.

When you have had enough, I’m giving you more.

Wow, these words echo in my soul from long ago. The word that caused us to sell up everything we owned and move out.

Then you moved out.

Now you will move in.

For this is the place of the turning.

This is the place of the turnaround.

And you wonder why your head is spinning?

For you feel it again, you see it again don’t you.

A vision of me sitting in the tower of a huge castle, and I heard your word “turnaround”, and as I shifted my head, the whole land shifted to come into alignment with my gaze.

You think how can I cope with all this change.

I think it will be transformative.

As you gaze upon it, it will transform before your very eyes.

You expect the “old”, when I am giving you the “new”.

You expect to remain in the shadows, in the valley of the “shadow”, yet I am bringing you into the light, the brightness of my light, brighter than the noon day.

You will hear these words often within your ears “I don’t normally do this”, “This is not the usual practice”, “I haven’t done this before but…”

You expect the normal, but what I am giving you is without precedent.

I see you walking on the stormy water, wondering how you will breathe, and when to breathe.

You wonder about that which is normal, when what I am giving you is extraordinary.

For when you walk on the water, why worry about how you will breathe?

For what is it you feel?

I expect to feel pain whenever I move, yet all I feel is increasing strength.

For you are not normal.

I see you laughing as you say this. It’s like I’d just like to have a “normal”,“stable”, “retirement”, and yet you are doing a new thing, a youthful thing, taking us to place we would have gone in our youth. Taking us to a place where we have not gone before.

For you think I have altered the trajectory of your life, yet this was always my plan.

You think you were heading to retirement, I think you are heading off on your honeymoon.

One path leads to ease and calm, boredom and a loss of self.

The other path leads to passion, excitement, an overflow of joy, a boundless overflow expressing the fullness of my desire.

For is not the honeymoon the place where all my desire is expressed?

A far cry from retirement, but with added joy, enthusiasm, delight, adventure, and an overflow of passion.

Such a radical change in your life, a time of fullness, a time of full expression, a time of unity, a sense of great adventure, a knowing, a knowing that no matter what happens next it is going to be amazing.

Stop praying for calm, and go with my flow, for this is the precursor to abundance.

For when my abundance comes receive it with exuberance, with delight, with anticipation.

For you don’t need to fear what happens next.

For I am changing your living arrangements.

I am arranging your living, your life, your very self.

Is this not the work of my hands?

Same but so very different.

When you looked in the eyes of your new wife, and exposed all of yourself to her, you had no fear, you had no worry, you had no thought for tomorrow, you only surrendered yourself to the one who loves you more than life itself.

And yet, and yet, and yet, here you have found yourself.

Stepping once again into the new.

On the threshold.

On the brink.

Upon the edge.

Once again you need to disrobe.

Once again you need to lay off the old clothes.

Once again you need to expose yourself.

Once again you need to set aside the cocoon.

Once again you need to leave you own self.

For no longer are you the boy friend, now you are the beloved.

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes and see.

What is it you see?

Your beautiful face smiling upon me, inviting me to come closer, arms stretched out ready to embrace me.

Have no fear.

Set aside any fear.

For the love I have for you is not normal.

For what is to come is so much greater than ever before.

Abandon all that causes you to lack, strip off all that defines lack, free yourself from the old garments, take off that which weighs upon your soul.

Come closer.

Stay close.

For you know I am holding your hand.

You know that I am with you.

Expect the completely abnormal.

Anticipate with joy the flow of abundance that falls upon you.

No need to run around with your cup trying to catch the rain, when I have given you the cup of overflow.

Hold fast to this truth, take hold of this truth, grasp hold of the truth, take the hand of truth.

For I am making a way where there is no way, streams of living water in the desert.

For it shall blossom wherever you walk.

Be not overawed with the multitude that rises before you.

Get ready for a new normal.

Get ready for a harvest.

For I am giving you the means to multiply, the means to harvest, the means to my end.




Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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