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It was such a shock.

It was completely unexpected.

Quite a shock to the system.

A systemic shock.

A ripple across the land.

A great disturbance.

The resonance of the shock amplified across the land.

The cause of a great shaking.

The impact of greatness.

It was the weight of it all, falling from such a great height.

From above to beneath, with such force.

Causing the very ground to shake.

Why do you think we are starting this era with an upgrade?

Is anything I do just a coincidence?

Have I not ordered this step?

Have I not planned everything out in advance.

For you could not help yourself, so I did.

An upgrade of the dream.

It is time for an upgrade of your dream.

Going to a new level.

Riding lower, for better handling, for faster cornering, for improved balance.

Have I not equipped you?

Have I not called you?

Aligning all to bring forth all that I have promised.

First the removal.

Second the supply.

Third the installation.

Fourth the adjustment.

Then the alignment.

For in the alignment all shall come together.

Don’t you love my point?

Don’t you love my timing?

You make me laugh so hard Lord! A shock absorber, to absorb the impending shock, to smooth the ride! WHAT A LAUGH! You are such a genius!

You will ask of yourself, “how can this be?”

For this is not either or, but both and!

Even the name says it all – shock works. Designed to absorb the shock, designed to work without shock, to absorb all that you drive upon, to do the work of absorbing the shock.

For this is the season of absorption, the taking in, the compression, the rebound, the preload, the carrying of great weight, the pressing in, the pushing back, the enhanced steering, the comfortable ride.

Even your body trembles, at this time, at this moment, for this is a sign unto you, a sign of what is to come.

Oh Lord would you prepare us all, and purify our hearts that we may see you God, Open up our eyes to the beauty of your ways, sanctify our life for the sake of coming glory.

For it shall be glorious.

For I have supplied you with all you need to absorb the shock.

Beyond the mechanics of it all, beyond the limits of your understanding, with the means to adjust as needed.

For all will wonder at the majesty of it all. Proclaiming “how can this be!”

Yet you will no this is by design, this is my design, this is simply the execution of my plan.

For you need not brace yourself for the impact, for you know it will barely be felt.

For you know that I have established your comings and your goings, I have smoothed the path ahead, and now provided the upgrade to your ride.

Get used to wonder.

Get used to the unexpected.

For my plan unfurls before you.

Step by step.

For you need to fear the bumps, you need not brace yourself, you need not feel the pain experienced by your beloved.

For I have restored your hope.

I have restored your ability to move.

I have given you the power to make progress on the dangerous heights of testing and trouble.

When you look ahead, you know that I have already planned it all out for you.

Do you really think it is a coincidence that your first drive is into the mountains, riding upon the alpine way?

For you will experience for yourself progress, the joy of progress, the wonder of progress, the accelerated progress, the release of comfort, the power of comfort, the strength of that which absorbs.

You can let go, let go of your worries, only one thing is needed, just be still and know, be still and know.

Imagine a life where you don’t need to avoid the potholes, you can move faster without slowing down, you have no need to brace yourself for what is to come, you don’t need to worry if your passenger is enjoying the ride, for you will see the joy on her face.

For this life of your will be a dream.

Do not come to your senses, step into the vision, embrace what is to come with a sense of joy, a feeling of my delight, for in no time you will reach your next destination, refreshed and ready for the next adventure.

Be not absorbed by the tension, the anticipation, release yourself from confinement and feel free.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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