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In the absence of.

In the presence of.

In the departure from.

In the arrival to.

In the place of the passing.

I’m passing through.

In a moment you will be through.

For I have already broken through.

In the absence of the familiar.

In the absence of the known.

In the absence of uncertainty.

In the absence of lack.

In the absence of pain.

In the absence of the old.

In the absence of that which is broken.

In the absence of contention.

In the departing from that which is known you shall experience that which is untold.

I’m closing the door behind you.

I’m establishing that which is new.

The old path through the valley is now the new highway across the mountain.

For you escape from the trauma to the path that is familiar, yet I am establishing a new way.

Was this not foretold?

Does it not now unfold?

For in the unfolding that which was foretold is revealed.

Am I not true to my word?

For that which was barren now produces the most abundant fruit.

A special fruit, a unique fruit, a fruit of the fire, a golden fruit, a radiant fruit, an attractive fruit.

Was that not what the whole visit to the desert was about!

The untold fruit.

The unexpected fruit.

The most luscious fruit resting upon the dry and barren ground?

For it was without process.

It appeared from my seed.

It formed at my command.

It came forth by my word.

Unheard of, but not untold, for you have told it to so many, the evidence of my work on display for all to see?

For I need no process.

I need no designated spot.

I need no ideal circumstance.

I need no foundation for my work.

I need nothing but my word.

My mouth speaks and all comes into alignment with it.

You keep expecting a natural thing, when I keep giving you a supernatural thing.

You express your concern….

I prophesy my intent.

Prophesy with my intent.

Be intentional.

Be expectant.

Be excited.

For every day you embrace with love that which is new.

Is this not by design?

Is this not my design.

In your flesh you expected to become familiar, to become intimate, to really get to know her, and yet everyday something new is manifest.

You love the fact that she is so unpredictable, she is so far from boring that she can only be exciting, yet at time too hot to handle.

Was this not my design?

It is so like you Lord that the only aspect of my life that is the same, is the person that is always so different.

It is the manifestation of my desire, the mystery of my desire.

Yet it is your desire to embrace that which is mysterious.

Step into the realm of desire.

Take off the old clothes.

Strip yourself bare.

Abandon all that is familiar and become intimate with that which lies before you.

You so love to be naked, you so love to have nothing between you, holding her close is your favourite activity.

You could just lie there with her all day and be so at peace and so refreshed.

She is my hearts desire, in the place of closeness, nothing else matters to me.

I want you to treat this new season like this.

That you need not fear the exposure.

You need not fear rejection.

You need only embrace my love.

For in this season you will experience my love like never before.

Fruit in the barren place.

An overflow in the place that did not flow.

An outpouring of my favour like you have never seen before.

You are going to really enjoy this life I have prepared for you.

Just like you love her presence, and her presence is all you desire, I will be present with you.

Feel the tangible shift.

Feel my presence in the place of absence.

What does it feel like?

Like drinking the best water that truly refreshes my soul.

Behold I am doing a new thing in you, for you, within you, all around you.

Embrace the new, walk into the new, like walking into your wife’s bedroom for the first time.

Be overwhelmed by desire.

Seriously be overwhelmed with desire.

And be fulfilled.

For in this season you will lack nothing that I desire.

This is personal…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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