In your absence I am present.
I am your substitute.
I am your relief.
I am your support.
I am your replacement.
I am the one who fills the gap.
I am fullness.
I am your cover.
I am your call.
I am your answer.
I am your question.
I am your substance.
I am your purpose.
I am your plan.
I am your guide.
I am your peace.
I am your warmth.
I am your joy.
I am your power.
I am your strength.
I am your stay.
I am your support.
I am your guardian.
I am your voice.
I am your step.
I am your occupation.
I am the one who occupies.
I am the one who inhabits.
I am your consolation.
I am your comfort.
I am present.
I am fullness.
I am your confidence.
I am the voice of authority.
I am your victory.
I am the one that stands with you.
I am your satisfaction.
I am your endurance, your basis of endurance, your basis, your foundation, your platform, your launching pad, your slingshot, your springboard, your spring, the spring in your step, the one who lifts you up, who calls you out, who calls you up.
I am your rest.
I am your advocate.
I am your representative.
I am not shy.
I possess all boldness.
I am not hesitant.
For I lead you in the path of righteousness for my own sake.
I am one step ahead.
I am before.
I am after.
Come away with me.
Come with me.
Come away.
For I am the precedent.
I set the standard.
I am the benchmark.
I am sure of myself.
I love to do the new thing.
Join with me in the new.
Let’s do something new.
First the drought.
Second the flood.
Third the fire.
Fourth the growth.
For my fire rests upon that which would extinguish it.
First the refreshing stream, then the walk of fire, the footprints of fire the path of fire, the reflection of fire, the steps of fire, the blazing steps of fire.
Then the gentle breeze, the ever so gentle breeze, the release of breath, the release of my breath.
In a moment, growth.
Unseen growth, now seen.
Unseen growth, now manifest.
Unseen growth, growth you have never seen before.
From the dry ground, from the watered ground, from the depths of the mud, my seed shall spring forth.
My your hand it shall spring forth.
By the warmth of your hand, it springs forth.
Drawn to the fire within your hand. Drawn to the warmth of your hand.
For it sparkles in your hand.
Sparks igniting in your hand.
Sparks of growth.
As the sparks fly upwards.
For I am starting you up.
See the turn.
See the turning.
Experience my turning.
The biggest motor, turns.
The cogs shall turn.
The giant engine of my growth turns.
It shall dwarf anything you have seen before.
First the ignition, then the slow turn, then a great movement, then a starting up, a release of my great power.
For the very earth shall move, as I move.
For the time of release is here.
Pressed down, shaken together.
For I press upon that which presses on you.
For I am not impressed by the pressure, the oppression, the thing that confines you.
For I am the one who leaves an impression.
Whether the water, or the flame, or the furnace, or the rock, you can see where I have been.
Even in my absence, my presence is released.
Even in my absence, my presence was felt.
Even in the place of emptiness, I am present.
For my confinement was only temporary.
For the tomb could not restrict my movement.
In the final place, I had the final word.
In the last place, I had the last word.
For the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.
In the place of expected presence, I was absent.
They went looking for me in the tomb, but could not find me in the place they expected.
They sought to pursue the one that had taken me, yet I had taken myself out.
The enemy sought to keep me in, to lock me away, but I let myself out.
I let myself out.
I came away with myself.
I abandoned the place of confinement.
I provided for my own exit.
I released myself.
In my absence, my presence released.
For the time of confinement was over.
The time of release is here.
John 20:11-16 But Mary remained standing outside the tomb sobbing. As she wept, she stooped down [and looked] into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And they said to her, Woman, why are you sobbing? She told them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him. On saying this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing [there], but she did not know (recognize) that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you crying [so]? For Whom are you looking? Supposing that it was the gardener, she replied, Sir, if you carried Him away from here, tell me where you have put Him and I will take Him away. Jesus said to her, Mary! Turning around she said to Him in Hebrew, Rabboni!—which means Teacher or Master.