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In the place of distance.

In the place where you feel distant.

Where you struggle to go the distance.

Where you cannot take another step.

When all you want to do is stand still.

When all that you look at, all that you have regard for fades away.

For that which was once so vibrant now fades before your eyes.

As it moves without you.

As it drives off into the distance.

That which was once so close now fades into the distance.

I can see the look in your eyes.

It is like you are there, but not there, like you can see, but you are not present, like your eyes are open, but don’t want to see.

Yet this is how you look when you are looking at what I am showing you.

Like you are there, but not here.

Like you are here in body, but there in your spirit.

For when that which is “real” is too much to bear, it is time for the “unreal”.

For I have given you so many words to describe this year…


The year of POWER!

The year of REFORMATION!

Yes that is the word. A word I first placed in your heart, then you heard it echoed in another.

For I chose you first! To be the first! To proclaim my word FIRST!

It is time to break free and get up and dance!

I know this is your least favourite song!

Yet what is it you see now?

Held by the strongest of chains, bolted to the ground, yet by your power, the very ground breaks as I flex the muscles you have given me!

What is it you feel now?

A shaking that never goes away, a trembling that never fades, a shaking that always persists, that never fades away.

For my love for you persists, and never shall fade away!

For my love never leaves you or forsakes you, my love beckons to you to come close, my love never turns her back on you, my love never walks away, my love holds you close.

For when your vehicle of transformation rides off into the distance, what does this represent?

The work of transformation is complete!

Yes that is it!

Yet I feel so unprepared, it feels like it is too soon! Yet I feel the season has turned, and I do not have the power to turn back time.

Yet my hand is upon your season.

For I have decided it is time to move into the new.

For you shall say these words as did Joshua in this moment.

In three days!

Yes in 3 days!

In three days we shall cross over.

For the time has come.

For that which took you here has served its purpose.

For I see you pondering all that means for you, your present, your future.

Yet the butterfly has no need of the cocoon after the transformation is complete.

For that which contained it….

For that which provided a place for transformation….

For that which provided a place of safety and security, now lies broken.

For I have broken open a way for you.

For no caterpillar uses the cocoon of another, it forms its own means of transformation.

Yet once it emerges…

Yet once it emerges…

Yet once it comes out from.

Yet only once it moves on from.

Yet once it is reformed.

Yet once it is formed again.

Yet once it comes together.

Yet once it emerges.

Yet once it is uncontained.

Its purpose has been revealed.

A transformation for purpose, on purpose, for a new purpose.

For the caterpillar, its purpose is to consume, to crawl, to remain hidden, to be concealed, to expand in the place of concealment.

Yet for the reformed one, the transformed one, your purpose is to reproduce, to explore, to operate out in the open, to broadcast and distribute my seed, to operate without confinement.

So now is the time to be free, the time to be free of it, the time to come out into the open, to define, to distribute, to rise above, to multiply, to inhabit, to float above, to be unafraid, to expose yourself, to show the world all that you have become.

For what you saw up close as a “caterpillar”, you will now see from a distance.

For once what you held close in your arms for consumption, you will now touch to manifest and to multiply.

For as much as you would like to remain a “caterpillar” you are now transformed into a new creature, into all that I have purposed for you to become.

For the caterpillar can’t try to become a butterfly, yet when the time is right, the process of transformation commences, and when it is complete the new emerges.

Nor can the butterfly fold his wings and pretend to be a caterpillar.

For you were meant to fly.

It is time to flap your wings, to be elevated, to rise above, to increase your distance from that which once consumed you, to be the instrument of multiplication, to give rise to the abundant growth that will rise before your eyes.

For the time of “in between” is over.

The new dawn is here!

Lord bring forth the emergence, from the emergency, from the urgency, bring us to the other side. Empower us like never before to take ground, to rise above to flap our wings, to break free and get up and dance!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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