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About Time

When the time comes.

At the appointed time.

When the time of the coming has come.

When that which was conceived is due.

When the gestation is over.

When the formation is complete.

When the way is made.

When the pressure mounts, I am announcing the release of that which I have put in you.

For that which is in you must come out of you. For that which I have placed in you must come out of you. For that which was invested in you, shall bear much fruit. For when you have come to the place where you can bear it no more, it is time to bear down.

It is time to release me.

It is time to release your grip, in order to get a new grip.

It is time to let go.

It is time for the caress. It is time for the gentle touch. It is time for the release.

For can you not see it?

Blossoms appearing all around, all across the land, in the expected place, in the unexpected place.

For you look for the fruit to appear at the end of a branch. Yet you will find it also on the trunk.

It is only a sign of my favour.

For in the birthing, that which was conceived within, must come to the place that is without. For in the womb, the seed is held, until the term has past. The going in is so joyful, yet the coming out is so painful. The conception the greatest pleasure, the birth the greatest pain.

Yet when the time has come, I’ll help with the delivery.

For the pain comes from the expansion. The pain comes from the release of that which was placed within.

Yet what I have placed within you must come out of you.

Just like your fingers need to be pried loose, that which I have placed within you must be released.

For in the conception there is release.

So in the birth new life, comes to life through its release from the womb that contained it.

Yet in the seed that I have sprinkled so generously across the land, it eases forth, it rises without effort to the heavens, and when the season changes the flower unfurls, unveils itself, gives birth to the place of birth, of reproduction, of multiplication.

For I am releasing an ease.

For I am bringing forth the fruit with ease.

From unease, to ease.

From challenge, to so easy.

For too hard, to too easy.

For just as I bring forth the fruit in due season, so shall I bring forth your fruit.

For it matters not to me the type of soil.

For I have anointed this seed to bear much fruit. For when the blossom comes, does it not bring forth my joy also?

For when you look upon the land in winter what does it look like?

Barren and lifeless, bleak and dull, but also beautiful in its own way.

Yet when the season changes...

When the time comes for a change.

When the season has passed.

When the winter is over and gone.

When the past has passed.

Is it not the same land that then springs forth?

For when the sun shines upon it.

For when my glory shines upon it.

For when I say so, everything that looked dead, brings forth new life.

For the time is coming, and is almost here.

For when the spring comes, can anything stop my growth?

Can the flower return to its bud? Can the seed return to that which released it? Can that which I have conceived in you not come forth?

Release your grip, and release me.

Just a light touch will do.

Just a touch of my light will do.

Just a glow of my glory will do.

Just the radiance of my presence will do.

Just the warmth of my presence will do.

Just a word from me will do.

Just a touch from my hand will do.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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