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Out of bounds.

Beyond the bounds.


For you feel as though you have nothing to hold on to.

For nothing can hold you.

For what does he who is free hold on to?

The insecure one needs to hold to something.

The strong one needs no support, for he holds himself up.

The weak relies on the strong for help.

For you shall abound beyond the boundary.

For nothing shall bind you.

For you carry the chains of those who were once captive.

For you shall wander amidst the tombs of confinement and announce and proclaim freedom.

Who ever said this was a no frills offering.

For there is a thrill in the frill.

Let me say that again THIS IS NOT A NO FRILLS OFFERING!

For this is no ordinary thing.

This has all the bells and whistles.

All will hear it coming.

All will turn to see what that sound is.

They going looking for that which is ordinary but shall find that which is extra ordinary.

For you did not marry a plain Jane.

But an extraordinary person with so much more than you asked for.

You are still unwrapping that gift.

For she is so gifted. I have buried deep within a hidden treasure that awaits the unveiling of my fullness. She will say to herself “I don’t know where that came from!” And we will all laugh so hard at that momentous moment.

I love to make you smile.

For she cares not for the frills. She is no delicate flower. Strength pours from her pores when she pauses.

You know she can handle the heaviest weight. She can bear anything as within the core or her being I have deposited great strength. She laughs at her opponent for she knows it is not a fair fight. Grace and mercy pours from her lips.

Yet you still remember your favourite nightie. It was so unlike her to wear it, yet you remember the radiance of her beauty like it is etched upon your heart. Engraved and never to be erased. The perfect representation of my power. The power of my love.

For the frill was so much more than an unnecessary add on. It was the opposite of plain. The picture of elegance. The epitome of all my desire. A beacon of delight.

Yet it is time to put on the fancy dress. The time to showcase all the frills. For this is no party trick. For this is no costume party.

For I have placed in your so much power.

A unique creature.

The skin of the snake.

The legs of a crocodile.

The power to leap like a frog.

The frill of the lizard. Who can expand its size in a moment to put fear into any that would come against it.

For there is a great thrill in the frill.

The interwoven tapestry of my desire. The gathering of the ways. The expression of may threads. The intersection of the many diverse paths. The weaving of the way. The making of the way. The weaving of the scraps into a masterpiece.

The full expression of all my desire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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