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All consuming fire.

The fire that consumes you.

The fire that fuels you.

The place of habitation.

Bathed in the fire.

Resting in the fire.

Oh you won’t let go of me.

In the place without vision.

In the place where you cannot see clearly.

I am revealing that which is unseen.

In the place of the squeeze.

In the place of release.

I am setting you ablaze.

As the sparks fly upwards.

The place of illumination.

The place of revelation.

The place where I will uncover my plan.

Oh you won’t let go of me!

What is it you see right now?

In the natural I cannot see what I am typing. In the spirit I see the blinding light of your glory shining through an opening door!

And again what is it you see?

The lightning striking the desert ground, followed by the thunder that shakes the ground.

And again.

Your hand caressing the dry ground, like my beloved’s hand upon my dry lifeless skin, awakening desire.

For you shall be whole again.

For you shall feel the warmth of my embrace again.

Come weary and tired, worn out by life. Step out of the shadows and walk into light..

For that which was barren, shall be fertile.

For that which was without love, such know what it is like to be much loved.

For the abandoned, forsaken, exile shall know what it is like to be honoured.

For the one abandoned into slavery, shall have my authority over all.

For the weak one, shall have my strength.

For the unknown recluse, shall sit upon my throne.

For the rejected one, the downtrodden one, the outcast one, the beaten one, the broken one, the wrecked one, the retrenched one, the one who had no position, the one without a place, shall have my place.

The torn one, the whipped one, the hurting one, the damaged one, the injured one, the separated one, the downcast one, the one thrown out by those he invested in so much, the isolated one, shall now be…

The appointed one, the strong one, the inspiring one, the energetic one, the passionate one, the one who elevated, the fiery one.

You wonder how this can be?

For the one who is blind, shall be led by unfamiliar paths.

The one who cares not for what he sees in the natural, can only be led by the light of my fire.

For what is it you see now?

A blazing torch shining so brightly that the whole path ahead is illuminated.

Illuminated by my light, bathed in my light.

For this is the highway I have spoken to you about. I highway that only my chosen can travel upon.

You are wrestling so much with what is ordinary. It is like you can’t decide what to do next. For the waves crash upon you, the storm is so intense.

Get I will give you a means to progress.

Fear not the winds and the waves, for we shall go unto the other side.

I will make way, I will not move until I encounter you.

For the solution lies not within your being.

It is a question of posture.

What is your posture?

One of endurance?

One of strain?

One of numbness?

One of irritation?

One of agitation?

One of angst?


One of desire?

One of passion?

One of fire?

One of confidence?

One of strength?

For all that hurts rises before you now!

Yet has not your vision cleared just now?

How is this so?

No idea! Must be you Lord!

You alone are holy Lord God almighty, great and marvellous are your works, you have delivered us!

Against all odds you keep building.

Against all opposition you keep building.

Against all attacks you keep building.

For you are the repaired of the breach.

For you have been destined to repair all that was broken.

Yet this is not ordinary patching up.

This is a majestic manifestation of my multiplication.

For who shall dare rebuild that which was condemned?

Yet this is an established pattern for me.

I myself was “condemned to death”, yet the death of my old body, birthed a freedom from condemnation, birthed a whole new movement.

For you give no regard to your senses.

Whether dead or alive you continue to keep walking.

It is the pain of the promise.

Yet it is just the shedding of your skin.

For that which is dry shall be overcome with that which is wet with desire.

For you give no regard to your pain.

For my purpose consumes you.

And there you sit upon the tree.

And there you rest upon the tree.

And there I have placed you upon the the tree.

For you shall shed your skin.

I am making you a new creature.

A remantling in the place of the dismantling.

A new covering in the place of the uncovering.

A new means of progress.

An offset.

A reset.

A new setting.

A fresh setting.

A new strength.

For one the transformation is merely a shedding of an old covering.

For another the transformation occurs in the place of the covering.

For I intend to expose you.

I intend to transform you.

I intend to give you something you have not experienced before.

It will be my gift to you.

For you say to yourself “what do you buy for the man who has everything he desires?”

Yet what I am giving you will awaken a desire long buried, long covered over, long cast away.

For you cast yourself adrift, you said goodbye to yourself, and closed the door and locked it.

Yet the breaking you feel, the shaking you feel, is just me breaking you out of your shell.

For when you feel like you are at the breaking point you know what that means.

I am at the point of breakthrough.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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