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A Royal Destiny

A moment of destiny.

A destiny moment.

Carrying destiny.

A bearer of destiny.

The one who bears destiny.

The one who holds the birth of destiny.

The one who brings forth destiny.

The one who unfurls destiny.

The one who shapes destiny.

The one who defines destiny.

A destiny moment.

A bringing forth of destiny.

A one who comes carrying the new, wrapped in the arms of the old.

Like a father holding his new born child.

The bearer of the new.

The one who carries the new.

The one who is rapt by the new.

The one who has clothed the new.

For the new smiles at you with love.

Unidentified, unrecognisable, unreferenceable, without a frame of reference.

Yet she shall bear the name you have given her.

For your word forms her world.

Your beloved daughter has become a glorious princess, worthy of majesty, worthy of the mantle of glory that she wears.

For in her I have placed all my delight.

Her face glows with the radiance, the warmth of my love.

Like a fire stick she will ignite the embers she comes into contact with.

You can see the fire of my presence rising all around her.

The fragrance of the burning reaches your nostrils from a great distance away, as it announces the glory of my arrival.

Her beauty is astonishing, her face ravishing, her voice soothing.

Her smile lights up the room.

And what shall become of her?

For the dead and the drooping shall stand tall in her presence.

In the desolate place, restored blossoms as far as the eye can see.

For as her joy bursts forth, so too will the seed of the harvest burst forth in her presence.

Many will sit beneath her feet, just enjoying the words of wisdom that come from her mouth.

But then the day will come, when her beloved will cause her to arise.

He will take her hand and cause her to rise.

For he shall be of royal descent.

He will have a name of distinction.

His name will be known far and wide, his territory as vast as the eye can see.

He will look upon her as one who has obtained the greatest reward.

His face will glow in her presence.

A reflection of my glory.

The dawn of glory.

Bathed in the reflection of my glory.

And they will go out together, and magnify my glory together, and bring my glory unto the people.

They will bring the warmth of my light into the darkest places.

As they walk amongst the tombs of depression and darkness, my light will shine. They will have a glow about them.

As they enter the dark, and walk through the darkness they will leave a residue of light, a reflection of my light, a deposit of my light, a memory of my joy and delight.

And he will be known for his warmth and kindness, of another kind, the one who stands out due to the warmth of his presence.

There will be an ease to him, a comfort in his arms, a confident strength, a sense of ease, a knowing that with him the path is secure.

He will call you higher, he will lift you up, he will cherish every moment in the warmth of your embrace. He will take great delight in you.

He possesses great humility, but vast authority, like a David he will be known for slaying giants.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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