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A Parting Gift

From the generous one.

From the kind one.

From the unkind place came a different kind.

From the one deprived of liberty, came freedom.

From the place of great loss, came an outpouring of love, that knew no bounds, that flowed over the line drawn by her enemy.

The violated one, became the great protector, a mighty shield, an immovable force against which no-one could enter, no-one could breach the establishment boundary.

Yet she encouraged you to be free, to feel free, to explore your freedom.

It seemed so unplanned, so without restraint, so liberating, so freeing.

For you see it now don’t you.

The passing of my hand from her hand, to the hand of the one I would love forever, the beloved one, the one to have and to hold.

For she was of a different kind, one of a kind, the one who poured out such kindness.

To come into her presence was to come into the warmth of my embrace.

For she set you free from the shackles of lack.

Her generosity knew no bounds, was without boundary, was out of bounds, was without restraint.

And you can see her smiling over you now, you can feel the warmth of her embrace again, the joy flowing all around, an overflow of my love and kindness.

For you remember it so well, the words engraved upon your heart, never to be erased “We just love ….., from the moment she entered our lives she was one of the family”

For my gifts are not material, but overflow beyond the boundary, overflow beyond the containment line, overflow the perimeter.

For who can measure love?

Who can define it?

Who can take only a portion of it?

For my love calls to you and says come away.

Come away from pain.

Come away from lack.

Come away from measure.

Come away.

Be absent.

Don’t show up.

Mark yourself as “away”

Say “I’m unavailable right now!”

For anything you leave behind is so irrelevant compared with being with me!

Take a step with my love.

Walk with my love.

Hold the hand of my love.

Embrace my love.

Kiss my love.

Take the opportunity to love.

Embrace the opportunity of love.

Expose my love.

Break out with joy.

For my joy overflows in the place of mourning.

My joy breaks over all that is broken.

My delight permeates all that is dark and dull.

For I know how it feels to be in her presence.

Many believe this is a small thing, many disregard and dismiss the moment, and get busy with whatever they think is important, but just to pause and embrace the moment is to encounter a precious wonder, to receive a precious treasure.

The moment of embrace is a moment of wonder, is a union of being, a longing fulfilled.

For this is what it feels like…

The dry thirsty one, drinking the finest drink.

The one in lack, receiving the fullness of the overflow.

The downcast one, being uplifted to the highest place.

The one’s who have no time for this, walk alone, walk without wonder, walk without life, walk in darkness, walk in pain without comfort.

Yet it is I that holds your hand.

It is I that have written the word LOVE over your life.

It is I that speaks of our love.

It is I that proclaims my love, shouts my love, pours out my love.

You see it up close.

You feel it bursting forth with joy in the midst.

The bursting out of laughter in the “solemn place” in the place of “decorum”, you see me, you feel me, making a disturbance, creating a disturbance.

For I am disturbing that which disturbs you.

I am making a scene.

For you look around and wonder what the impact might be, and yet are just caught up in the moment.

For who can put a lid on my joy?

For my oil flows in the place of mourning, flows beyond the boundary, overflows upon the edge, is dripping from the edge.

For my love lasts, my love knows no end.

For what I have given you, for what has been released unto you, lasts, it endures, it shall be a monument for all to see, a parting gift that shall not depart from you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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