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A Moment of Reflection

You can see it in the wrapping.

You can see it unfolding.

You can feel it encircling you.

You can feel the ribbon wrapping around your arm.

Like the intricate wrapping of a precious gift.

Gently does it.

Crafted with care and precision.

Performed with love and affection.

An intimate move.

A personal touch.

The opposite of irritation.

The gentle unfolding.

Say unto yourself "I'm tied up right now"

I can see your reaction, for you hate to be restrained, yet you love to be wrapt.

It was the weirdest thing, yet the most precious moment, for the finest ribbon was wrapped around my arm, and then around my beloved as she lay next to me. And then your vision of her as a precious gift wrapped up in the largest gift box.

I could feel that time itself had stopped, to pause and reflect on this moment, like you, yourself were taking a moment to reflect on your handiwork, and to declare it was good.

Thank you for sharing this moment with me.

And yet I feel there is so much more you want to say about this, for you are so kind to me.

In this moment, for this moment, for this is no trivial moment, this is no passing moment, this is no moment of fantasy, this is a moment of reflection, this is a moment of celebration, this is a moment of fascination, a moment of great momentum, a momentous moment of great momentum, a pregnant pause before the breakthrough, a moment to reflection upon my reflection, to pause and reflect, to bathe in the glory of my reflection.

For you see it differently, so differently, in such intricate detail, with great precision, with great love and affection, you know what it is like to be known, and to give and to receive.

For there is so much blessing in the reception.

So much insight in the reflection.

So much delight in the receiving.

So much desire in the unwrapping.

Propelled forward, without restraint, so much delight in the receiving.

And yet in the receiving there is so much of yourself to be given.

For you pause and reflect to discern and to understand that in order to unwrap her, you must first unwrap yourself.

First the exposure, first the unwrapping, first the receiving, first the giving, first the expression of desire, first the receiving of that which is desired, first the understanding of desire, first the unveiling of that which is desired, first the unwrapping, first the unfolding, first the expression of all my delight.

So many firsts Lord!

For I thought of you first!

I conceived of you first.

I imagined you first.

I desired you first.

I understood you first.

I revealed myself unto you first.

I unveiled my presence before you.

For you know what it is liked to be touched by me.

And you know what it is like to be the beloved, to be loved.

For you well know the mechanics of love after so many years, and yet the expression of desire is never mechanical.

For you know the depths of my love for you, my kindness expressed to you, for she lies there beside you, despite the challenges that come with being close to you.

If it wasn't for your love I would not be close to myself either.

For my goodness will have it's full expression in you.

My love shall flow over you like a river.

My love knows no bounds.

For who can fathom the riches of my love?

And yet I have appointed you to be my scribe, to be the author of my love, to walk hand in hand with my love, to be wrapped and unwrapped by love.

For you know what happens next!

For what is the point of an unwrapped gift?

The container only serves a temporary purpose, it serves to highlight that this is indeed a great gift, that compels you to unwrap it.

I see you pausing and wondering about your worth, and whether you deserve such a gift, but you know all that you have is such a gift from me, and you know what I feel about her, you know what she is worth to me, and now you know what you mean to me.

For what I have given you is most precious to me.

But it must be unwrapped, it must be exposed, it must be made known.

A fountain of love rising higher and higher and flowing over the land of the promise.

For that which is material to them is immaterial to me, and that which is material, that which is mysterious must be revealed unto them.

It is time to celebrate all that I have given you, it is time to manifest my goodness, to unveil my kindness, to unwrap that which is hidden, to announce the birth of love, to reflect all that I have expressed to you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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