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A Glorious Moment

Points of recognition.

Recognition points.

What is the point of recognition?

At want point do you recognise?

A flash here, a glimpse there, a snapshot in time.

Glimpses of glory.

Momentous moments of great momentum.

Momentous moments of great intensity.

Momentous moments of great intimacy.

Flashes of glory.

Flashes of intimacy.

Flashes of greatness.

Like flashes of a camera.

Pictures here, pictures there.

Pictures of the past.

Pictures of the future.

So vivid, so real, like being there.

In your being, there, right there, captured in the moment, captured by the moment.

Your body shakes with the reality of it call.

Such intimacy, such intensity, such reality, such glory, such power, such passion poured out to overflow.

Can you feel it!

Yes Lord. And my beloved asks me to describe it!

A coronation, a procession, a glamorous night of great glory! The crowd chanting, their voices growing louder and louder with emboldened celebration. Your hand resting upon her shoulder providing support and comfort. For it is easy to celebrate her and we all do. But they are celebrating you too.

A moment where you find yourself in bed resting your hand upon her hip. Such an overwhelming feeling of love. Then my hand resting upon yours, upon her. And these words from my lips.

I love you two. I love your love.

A moment where all you see is her belly. Streams of water flowing off her belly. Like she has just got out of the shower, but there is no pool in sight. All you feel is the warmth of her presence. You just know it is her. A glorious moment of recognition. The recognition of refreshing. The refreshing of revolution.

A moment of the wrapping. The wrap of the cord. The wrapping of the cloth. The flowing of the wrap. Is this not my cord, my bond of love!

A moment of the wrap. The white poncho, the white robe. The interwoven material. The glorious material. The interweaving of glory. Wrapped in glory.

A moment of fire. Lying amidst the fire of passion but not consumed. Recharged by my fire. Lying with those who are aflame. Burning with my desire.

Visions of love.

Visions of my love.

Such beauty.

Such delight.

There she flows.

Dancing with delight.

Spinning with delight.

Bathed in the light of my glory.

Bursting forth with delight.

A great delicacy.

A dance with delicacy.

A joyful dance with delicacy.

The bursting forth of joy and delight.

Joy beaming from her face.

The veiling of delight. The unveiling of delight.

A moment of such intense joy.

The pinnacle of joy.

An ecstatic moment of ecstasy.

The radiance of my glory beaming from her face.

The unveiling of joy.

A moment of such intimacy.

A momentous moment of joy.

For your desire is upon her. Your desire is towards her, your passion and delight covers her.

The tears fall from your eyes. Tears of joy.

The manifestation of joy.

A timeless moment. A moment with no sense of time.

The power of my presence.

A powerful presence.

A demonstration of my passionate delight.

Naked but covered.

Innocent and pure. Loved beyond words.

The habitation of my desire.

The vessel upon which I have placed my glory.

Radiating with joy, bursting forth with delight.

A moment of touching.

A moment of touching.

A touching moment.

Wrapped in a ribbon of my delight.

The third cord of great delight.

The present of my presence in your present.

A delightful moment.

An uplifting moment.

A graceful moment.

An outpouring of grace.

An impacting moment.

A moment of unexpected impact.

A refocus. A fresh moment. A moment of refreshment.

There is so much more I have for you.

An unveiling moment. A moment of unveiling.

For I veil my approach.

An unveiling of my approach.

I’m giving you an new view of delight.

An unexpected delight.

A mind blowing moment. It is just me blowing on your mind.

When you look at her with my eyes all you see is the manifestation of my delight, my love, my joy.

A feeling of such power.

A feeling of wonder.

A wonderful feeling.

Say unto yourself “this is what wonder feels like”.

Say unto yourself “is this not a moment of great wonder!”

You feel it now, within and without.

A taste of my glory. A reflection of my glory.

For it is glorious.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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