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A Defining Moment

A Defining Moment

For I have placed you in the line of fire.

My boundary line.

For as it burns my territory expands.

I am fanning the flame.

Fuelled by my accelerant.

I am supplying the oxygen.

It is my breath that flows over it.

For I have struck a match.

At the point of friction.

At the abrasive moment.

At the point of tension.

At the meeting of the rough with the smooth.

I am igniting a fresh fire.

For who can put this fire out?

When the magma hits the water is it put out?

For this flow cannot be stopped.

It was but a moment of friction.

A moment of opposition.

A moment of confrontation.

One rubbing up against another.

A passionate moment, a moment of great passion.

A moment of great pain.

For this is the place I will light my fire again.

For I am passionately for you.

It is my passion that rises within you, and overflows over the edge.

For a moment you did not know what to do, how to react, what to say, how to move, what to say.

I put you in a holding pattern, the place of the holding, the place of the holding, the place just to hold on.

In that moment you felt that you had lost yourself, that you have no sense of direction, but just a passenger in your own life’s story. Moved by another, led by another, like a zombie, it felt like a horror movie not of your own making.

For all you could sense was loss and pain, a total loss of all that mattered to you. Robbed of all goodness, you had nothing to say, nothing to add, nothing more to offer.

Yet this was just a passing moment.

For I led you out, I showed you the way, indeed I made a way, I knew what would happen next.

For you it was totally unexpected, totally out of your control, I set you up so well.

I was cracking up.

It was such a work of art.

Such a priceless moment.

The look on your face was so perfect.

You could not even utter a word, for I had taken your breath away.

For you have always known, so much more that the one who possesses it, that whatever she says in my name, I will give to her, for she is my best representative.

In your flesh you want to say “I’m backed into a corner”, but in your spirit you want to say “this is defining moment!”

For what she says about you is the only thing that matters to you.

Your mission is to embody all that she defines as good.

Well these words echo in your ears all night…

You have gone and done it now!
You have gone and done it now!
You have gone and done it now!

Closely followed by…

I have got you good!
I have got you good!
I have got you so good!

Here let me unpack that for you!

For there is so much unpacking to do.

For you have been carrying so much goodness for so long.

It is time to unpack.

It is time to open the treasure box.

It is time to define goodness.

It is time reveal the hidden treasures.

It is time to blow the dust off my goodness.

For the dust is just sprinkles of my goodness, evidence of a greater goodness, an overflowing goodness, a goodness present in the mist, in the midst.

It is so true, that I have gone and done it.

Despite your pain, despite your outlook, I told your enemy to look out!

For he says “fall back, fall back for we are overrun.”

For he knows what is going to happen next.

An uprising.

A stepping into a new era, a new phase, newness, new clothes, new presence, new presents, new power, unbridled power, unlimited power, the power to dominate, the presence of dominion, the one in whom I have bestowed gravitas!

For I have given you the weight of my words.

For what you say goes.

For what you say comes.

For what you say shall cause movement.

What is it you see right now?

An old flashback to me waking up next to a corpse, opening up my eyes to see the old me dead.

Yes you know well what I am saying, for your enemy has tried to convince you for so long that you are merely “a shadow of your former self”.

It is like you are the cicada lying next to what looks like your old self, for a moment you are mourning the loss, but then you discover your wings growing, and a new lease of life rising within you.

For let me make it plain for you.

You have the faith of Moses.

For I will make you as God to Pharaoh and your beloved shall be your prophet!

For what is to come, is so much greater than what was before.

You feel like an exiled old man with a walking stick.

The one abandoned as a youth.

The one brought up in a foreign country.

The one isolated from his countryman.

The one sheltered from the oppression of the land.

The one rejected by his own people.

The one anointed for greatness, occupying a position of great power and authority.

The fallen one, the one who walked away from all that was great.

The one wandering in his own wilderness, looking for my presence, holding on to my plan, regardless of the cost.

And now you have had your moment in the presence of fire.

A moment of great fire.

A moment of closeness.

A defining moment.

For your deliverance, shall bring forth my deliverance.

For that which you lean on, has so much power.

For when you raise up that which you lean upon, your enemy trembles before you.

For I have called you to deliver.

To deliver my purpose, my message, to speak with my authority.

For you return with my authority.

Without man’s position but wearing my mantle of authority.

They will say unto themselves “I don’t know what it is, but he speaks with such authority it must be true!”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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