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A Boy’s Dream

You were there in the beginning.

As I turned the page you were there.

You saw through my eyes, you could feel my desire.

You knew better than I, what was to come.

Reflecting back, upon reflection, remembering, restoring, your plan revealed.

I had missed it, yes I had missed, no-one saw it, not even the one most keen.

What was on the cover of the first magazine, my first step into the dream?

“All-new Civic sporty” the title says.

How could I have missed it?

It was the start of a new season.

After the old, after that which was past, it was new.

The first of the new, the forerunner of the new.

The cover picture was blue, the fantasy was blue, the reality was black.

It was such a gift, the forerunner of what was to come.

We had sold up, we had shifted our circumstance, we had left friends and family behind, we had moved interstate, where we knew no-one. We came only in response to His call.

The sermon that brought us here, was unexpected, in a foreign place, in the place of intuition, without knowledge, and yet I had been led to this place.

“Choices”… Was the title of the sermon. The wide open space, the place of purpose, the place of the new. How will I know when I get there? “I will show you”

We had left behind much, and yet the restraints, the constraints, the limitations had caused us to become restless. We sought the Lord, and he led us to Melbourne. “You will be led forth with peace”, was the word, and we positioned ourselves to receive.

Without work, without a home, with young children, we began to explore the new. Within a matter of weeks a job came up, and I was given the position. Double my old salary, and the responsibility for the southern region.

My wife, my beloved, my be loved, encouraged me to get a nice car, one that would be reliable, but not second class, one befitting of the new position.

I remember it now. It was the only one available in Victoria, and the wait time for a new one was 6 months. It had very low kms and was almost new. A black Honda Civic VtiR.

We brought it, and loved it, it was the car that I got my first speeding ticket in, as if God was showing me that I could exceed the limit.

A short time later, the time came to buy a house, and the sale of the car would help to give us the necessary deposit to buy the one we found.

It was hard for us to sell it, to give it up, and yet we were grateful for the experience, both my wife and I were sad to see it go.

It is hard to fathom.

God is so very present, and cares about every detail.

I’m sitting here and looking at the front cover, and it has a pretty girl standing next to the car, as a way of indicating buy the dream car and you can then attract the dream girl.

God is really taking me back to the start, for I brought this magazine in January 1980. This was again the dawn of a new era for us as a family. It was the month we had arrived in Sydney, Australia, having left all our friends and family behind, on a grand adventure, in support of my sister who was so “gifted”.

There it is again. That word “gifted”. For it is in the gift that God shows off His glory. We came in response to the gift, in support of the gift.

There was something special about that year. Despite the loss, despite all the adjustments and disruption, this was the “Genesis” story of my life.

It is true that from that moment at the age of 14, I dreamt of the dream girl, the dream car, the dream life.

It is no coincidence that my first car was made in 1980!

It is just like God to bring his greatest gift in the time of the greatest loss.

I met my dream girl some time after a loss so great it was the first time I remember sobbing. It still brings me to tears, and yet God had such an off the scale, awesome woman, in mind for me.

I married her, some 9 years after dreaming and imagining the impossible.

As I look at the cover again, it messes me up, just how awesome is God.

For the picture is of the dream life, with the dream car and the dream girl on the dream road trip.

It was just like God to bring this to pass in such an amazing way that was better than my dream.

For the best time of my life was going on a road trip with my gorgeous girlfriend to places unknown. Such a time of immense joy, I can still feel it now.

It was such a gift of such intense love, beyond measure, without measure, it was personal, it is personal.

The gift of love, beyond measure, without restraint.

Page 66 “A Boys Dream”, sums it up.




Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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