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A Bold Statement

Don’t hold back.

Hold on!

No retreat, no surrender.

Stay on course.

Say “Of course”.

Look not to the right, or the left.

Say unto yourself “I have set my face like flint.”

Not you look to the state.

I look to reinstate.

You look to the state of affairs.

I look to make a statement.

You wonder what to say.

Yet I have already spoken.

You wonder how to prepare.

Then I show up and leave you wondering.

For you shall not be behindhand on the day.

For your progress is not dependent on your adversary.

For your step is independent of that which you foot rests upon.

Whether hill or valley, whether rocky path or smooth, whether a wall or a water feature, it shall make no difference to you.

For it is I that determines the timing.

For It is I that has gone before you.

For I am ahead of you.

For I am crafting the way forward.

For when you don’t know where to look, just look forward.

What is it I have shown you?

My face shining like a beacon, so brightly that it dazzles, it blinds all those who are looking at me. Like a reflection of the sun, yet not diminished when the source of natural light is hidden.

For it is so easy for me to provide for you.

No sooner had you prayed for new connections, what stood before you?

Someone so unexpected, a man married for the same time as me, to a wife in the health sector, with extensive experience in the domain to which you have given us dominion!

This is just a glimpse of what I have prepared for you.

For when the time is right.

For at the appointed time.

For when all that has fallen, falls into place.

For when all that has fallen, falls into place.

For when all that has fallen, falls into place.

For has it not been unto you as I have said?

Have you not had the week like I showed you?

For you could see yourself being dragged along, fighting and wrestling with the path I had chosen for you, the outcome so difficult for you to co-operate with.

Did I not ask you “What is the difference between the king being dragged by his enemy to destruction, and Samson smiling as he walked with his enemy?”

For your enemy tries to convince you that this path leads to your destruction.

Yet Samson was convinced that this path would lead to the destruction of his enemy.

Wow how could I not see that?

For he spoke of victory, whilst being lead to the place of “captivity” and “defeat.”

Even his friends spoke to him like it was over, like his end was near.

But all he could say was “tell me you will not be there when I am handed over”

For he knew of what was to come.

For he new of the power that I had given him.

For he new that freedom could not be held captive.

For did not count the number of his opponents, until they lay dead before him.

He did not consider the odds of defeat, only the outcome of victory.

For when it was over.

For when it was over.

For when it was over.

For when it was over.

He remained standing amidst the rubble of desolation of that which was defeated before him.

Having done all to stand.

Having done all to stand.

For the key to victory lies not in the mechanics of warfare, not in having access to the right weapons or artillery, but in the release.

But in the release.

For when the release comes.

For when the release comes.

For when you release me.

For when you bring release, all that holds captive, is unbound, is without bounds, is out of bounds, is without boundary.

For when you embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For when you release that which you hold on to.

For when you take hold of that which I have empowered you to release, you shall take hold of the chains which have bound a generation.

For the enemy has no power over you.

For I came to break the limit.

I came to break the limitation of your thinking.

I came to shift the whole paradigm.

I came to turn the tables.

I came to completely overturn all that weighs you down.

For you shall stand upon that which has burdened you.

You shall be over it.

You shall step on it.

You shall stand in victory, for you go out with a posture of victory.

For it is not as it seems.

For as you move forward, I have already made a way for you.

As you walk through the brokenness I have already given you breakthrough.

You say “give me a break”

I say “I have already broken through”

You say “I am through”

I say “Yes”

You say “Amen”

For what is it you have observed?

What is it, I have revealed to you?

That when I feel so unprepared, you have done all the necessary preparation. When I say I am not ready, and yet pray for an opportunity to go deeper, you make me ready. I see you cracking up right now! What is so funny!

This is how I see it

A picture of me being thrust into the limelight, whilst putting my clothes on, whilst wearing shorts and a T shirt, the spotlight upon me before I was ready.

I feel you putting on the cloak of embarrassment, preparing yourself for ridicule, for rejection, for disappointment.

Yet this is not the preparation that is fitting for this event. For this is not the outcome of the parade.

I am parading the authentic version of you. I am parading my delight in who I have made you to be. Since when did it matter to you what you wear?

I like to be ready for the occasion.

I know, yet we are so passed that season.

From “just in time delivery”, to “the time of delivery”!

For I determine when you are ready.

For the water breaks when I say so.

For the birth comes at the appointed time.

You may feel so unready.

But since the did you need a script?

Only when I am doing something that I have never done before.

Yet I have hidden so much treasure within you, and you have buried so much more.

I am so cracking up when you say to me “I need a script, or I am not sure what to say!”

What a laugh!

For in this time.

For at the time of the times.

For at the time of multiplication.

For in the time of the times.

For at this time.

For you want to say “once upon a time”

Yet I am saying “the time of many times”

What have I revealed unto you?

That even in my most unprepared state, in a state of distress, in a state of agitation, you will make a bold statement!

For I have given you everything you need.

For you look to have everything laid out, yet I look to lay you out.

You look to perform with a great presentation, yet I am happy to just display you.

I am opening the treasure box.

For you need no agenda, for beauty makes its own statement.

For the revelation of treasure is a moment of awe and wonder.

The manifestation of glory is upon you.

For my glory shines upon you.

That is the only statement that matters.

It is time to take up the mantle of glory.

It is time to reflect upon my glory.

For it shall be glorious!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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