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There is a time….

There is a time to laugh.

There is a time to cry.

There is a time to be out.

There is a time to be in.

There is a time to breathe.

There is a time to rumble.

There is a time to burst.

There is a time for joy.

There is a time for peace.

There is a time to say ahhhh!

There is a time to chat.

There is a time for silence.

There is always time to touch and to be touched.

I am here, I am present, I am always present.

It is time, time to go for a walk, time for a walk in the garden, time to be with your beloved, time to have and to hold.

For it is time to take the time.

For I know that you cannot contain yourself.

Try as you might, try with all yourself, you cannot be contained.

It is time to remove the lid.

It is time to pop the cork.

It is time to behold and become.

For you were born for such a time…

This time, this time, this time, this time is mine, this is the time, this is the time, now is the time.

It is time for wholeness, it is time to be whole, a time for coming together, a time for time, the time of the times.

Hold yourself forward, for you can no longer hold yourself back.

Consider the tension within, consider the strain of the pulling back, now consider the release, the rapid release, the acceleration, feel the rush, the rush of forward movement, maximum velocity.

For that which held you back, shall now propel you forward.

For now is the time of the release, now is the time I will bring release.

Have you not seen, have you not heard? That which was foretold now bursts forth.

I don’t like to say “I told you so”, so I’ll let you say it for me…

Repeat after me “I told you so”, say it with me “I told you so”.

For surely that which I have foretold will come to pass. If I have said it before, I don’t need to say it again.

Once said, enough said, more than enough said.

For this shall be the time of times, the time of times, the time of multiplication, the time of your time, the time of much time, the time of fulfilment, the time of great refreshing, the time of peace, the time of help, the time of release, the time of freedom, the time of love multiplied, the time of your life, the time of times, the time of greatness, the time of goodness, the time where all shall speak of my goodness.

Good times.

Say it for me, repeat after me “Good times…”

Prophesy this, declare this, proclaim this, “Good times…”

For you were born for such a time as this.

For now is the time of favour, of much favour, of great favour, where many will call you their “favourite”, they will bestow upon you my favour, they will ask you for many favours, they will say “can I do you a favour?”

For there is so much more to come, more and more you know how it goes!

What is it I have shown you? What is it that you could not get out of your sight this past night?

My hands upon the edge, the edge of a giant hole, a man made hole, like a giant drain. Then in a moment, in an instant, everything turned upside down. That which was beneath me, suddenly above me. I placed my hands upon the edge and climbed up to light, and climbed over the edge onto the next level, a great plain as far as the eye could see.

For I know this time has been a time of harrowing, a harrowing time. Yet did I not say you shall harrow the mountains?

For the time of the harrowing is over, the time of the plain has come.

Isaiah 41:14-16 “Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob? Don’t be afraid. Feel like a fragile insect, Israel? I’ll help you. I, God, want to reassure you. The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel. I’m transforming you from worm to harrow, from insect to iron. As a sharp-toothed harrow you’ll smooth out the mountains, turn those tough old hills into loamy soil. You’ll open the rough ground to the weather, to the blasts of sun and wind and rain. But you’ll be confident and exuberant, expansive in The Holy of Israel!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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