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In the quietness.

In the stillness.

In the emptiness.

There is room.

Room to move.

Room to breathe.

Room to collect.

Room for something new.

Room for majesty.

Room for guests.

Room for friends.

Room for peace.

Room for stillness.

Room for space.

Room for fullness.

Room for delight.

Room for joy.

Room for distance.

Room for separation.

Room for connection.

Room for disconnection.

Room for kindness.

Room to store.

Room to expand.

Space for that which does not contain.

Be unconfined.

Be free of the shackles.

Inhabit freedom.

Rest in the place of freedom.

Freedom of movement.

Free to come and go.

Free to stay or free to go.

You have my permission.

Be without obligation.

For of whom does the king ask permission?

Only you Lord!

Just act like you own the place.

Be presumptuous.

Yes Lord it over them.

Yes you have my authority.

For who occupies a higher position than you.

For your gift makes room for you.

And there you sit in a large room.

In the place that is vacant, yet inhabited.

For I am making room for you.

For what is your occupation?

Is it not to occupy?

Take up residence.

Take up your position.

Be seated upon the throne.

For you see a big room with a single chair in it.

I see a throne room.

For they will stand before you.

For they will kneel before you.

For they will pay tribute to you.

For you wonder what you will say, how you will act, and yet it is your posture, your position, your robe that will have the greatest impact.

They will consider you.

They will wait upon your word.

They will remain silent in expectation of what you will speak.

For I am giving you a position of grandeur.

For your reputation shall go before you.

I will cause kings to mention your name with reverence.

For what I have given you is so precious.

Not an ordinary thing, not an ordinary position, not an ordinary power, not an ordinary impact.

For I have prepared this way for you.

For I have paved this way for you.

Stone by stone, step by step, curve by curve.

A glorious drive up into the mountain of power.

The strength to climb higher, to be higher, to have authority unlike anything you expect.

For in this season it shall be unto you as you proclaim.

Lift up your head.

Lift up your eyes.

Lift up your staff.

Stretch forth your hand.

Speak to the barren womb, and say “be multiplied”, say “produce in production”, speak “abundance”, declare “acceleration”, proclaim “maturity”, speak “community”.

For what I have placed on your lips shall come to pass.

For this shall be the “happening place”, the place where people come and say “what happened?”, they will say unto themselves “I don’t know what happened, but I feel so different now.”

For this shall be the room of transformation.

This shall be the birthing place.

The cocoon of transformation.

The incubator of innovation.

The wrapping place, the place of the wrapping, the place of many layers, the place of revelation, the place of rebirth.

From that which crawled, to that which flys.

From that which consumed, to that reproduces.

From that which was confined to that which brings forth the blossoming.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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