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I will make way, I will make room.

There is a space for you.

There is an open space for you.

Into the clearing.

Come into the clearing.

Be clear of it.

Come out of the rubble.

Come out of what was.

Come into what is.

From the unknown to the known.

From the entanglement to the freedom.

From the raging waves, on to the shore.

For you walk upon solid ground.

Amidst the storm.

Walking in the storm.

For what is seen?

What is unseen?

>It is hard to gauge progress, when I am struggling to see.

Just take another step.

No need to step on it.

No need to hurry up.

It is time to pace it out.

It is time to walk it out.

I feel so behind, I feel like I have no strength to pick up the pace.

You want to pick up the pace.

Yet I am setting the pace.

What is the rush?

I have seen all that needs to be done, and when it needs to be done by, and it is overwhelming.

I see you rowing with all your might, against the storm, against the tempest, against that which comes against, pushing against that which comes against you.

I can feel the resistance, I can feel the strain, I can feel the tension rising.

What is it you see now?

Pushing with all my might against the raging storm, as the lightning strikes, as the wind and rain pushes against me.

Yet it is I that stands with you in the storm.

Can anything get in the way of my progress?

It is time to get back in the boat!

But I am so used to that which is fluid, I don’t know what it is like to feel secure. I have been on the boat before and don’t like being a passenger on anyone’s journey. I have been taken for a ride too many times.

Yet what have I shown you?

Standing alongside you on a mighty chariot, driven through the multitudes of the enemy, with no obstacle slowing our progress. Wave upon wave the come against us, wave upon wave, wave upon wave, wave upon wave. I feel the splashes of blood in my face, in my eyes. Bathed in the blood of my enemy. Slashing their bodies in pieces as we mow them down. Exhausted I cannot fight anymore, my light fades, my arm weakens, my eyes blur, my end is near.

And now what do you see?

Surprisingly there is breath still in my lungs, I see my eyes open on the blackened desolate land. Whatever happened here, there is nothing left, the place is desolate. What is left of my enemy? Was this just a dream? And yet my body feels the weight of all that happened.

Let me show you what happened?

By my breath, I burned up all that opposed your advance. I was like a nuclear bomb, with legions upon legions destroyed. A small display of my power.

And here you find yourself in the wide open space.

For I have cleared a path for you.

The desolation you see all around, is just me making room for the fullness that is to come.

Look again, what is it you see?

My hand lifting up the blackened earth, and as the breeze of your breath comes again, the dirt forms a seed in the mist, and as it settles the ground becomes a lush green pasture. Full restoration in the place of devastation.

I understand Lord, but all I see is complexity, entanglement, the pushing and the pulling of all that is upon me.

This is how I see it.

As my hand touched the cord with many threads, your power flowed through my fingers and brought simplicity, and connectedness. There was clarity. Like an untidy mess one moment, and then a tidy room, with everything in its correct place the next.

Have I not ordered your steps?

Has any moment of your journey been accidental, or unintentional?

We have followed your every step Lord.

And yet here you find yourself.

In the place of the clearing.

Come out from the cobwebs.

Come out from all that entangles.

Come out from the chaos.

Come out from the storm.

Come back to the boat.

You can trust me to get you to the other side.

I know you tried so hard to get there on time.

Before the dawn breaks.

Before the dawn breaks.

Before the dawn breaks.

The storm shall break.

For I have settled this moment.

For I have brought calm to this moment.

I have silenced the mouth of your enemy.

I have utterly and totally destroyed all that assembled itself against you.

I have ordered calm in the place of the storm.

I have ordered your steps.

I have commanded your movement.

I have brought you to a clearing.

Watch me untangle every mess.

Watch me bring alignment to all that is puzzling you.

Receive my hope again.

Receive my love again.

Receive my peace again.

Receive my joy again.

Receive my goodness again.

Be released from your own bondage.

For I have commanded this blessing.

See this as a blessing.

See my hands upon the wheel of this ship.

And in a moment.

And in an instant.

You will find yourself on the other side.

Release yourself from stress and strain.

Stop speculating about how you will achieve, and what you will achieve, and all that needs to be achieved.

Am I not in charge of the timing?

Have I not commanded a blessing?

Will you not agree with it and walk with me in it!

Allow me to take you for a ride.

Let’s take our time.

What’s the rush.

For all that is overdue, all that is past due, all that was foretold, all the was untold, all that was promised, shall spring forth at the appointed time.

So do not relax your grip on courage, hold fast to me, take my hand, for at the time I have appointed all that I have promised will come to pass.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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