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Without meaning.

Without purpose.

Without passion.

Without caring.

In the absence of…

In absentia.

Without the presence of.

Without satisfaction.

Without movement.

In the darkness.

In the stillness.

In the stillness I am still here.

In your absence I am present.

My light shines even when covered by the darkness.

For I veil my approach in the storm.

For when the intensity of the light is too much for you, I show up in your darkness.

My light is all pervasive, my light cannot be overcome by darkness.

My light breaks out wherever it rests.

The power of my presence prevails.

The power of my presence prevails.

No matter what assails my love prevails.

My love conquers all.

For I cannot turn my face away.

For you are my world.

For you are the focus of my attention.

For I see you covering yourself, crossing your arms and closing your eyes and hoping that it all goes away.

Yet you can still feel my presence.

For my hand rests upon you.

My arm covers your shoulders.

You can lean into me.

You can lean upon me.

You can trust me not to run away.

You can rely on my confidence.

You can be confident in my love.

For when I say you are beautiful you can trust my words, you can rely on the truth of my words.

For I say it as it is, and how it shall be.

For you can see the impact of these words upon those whose ears are open to hear it.

Yet can you receive these words for yourself.

I know you would rather bury yourself in ashes, cover yourself in the darkness, receive all the losses as a suitable gift for all you are and all you have become.

Yet I want to you revisit yourself, come again and hang out with yourself, pay yourself a visit.

For they spoke of you well when they said “you are a man of many talents.”

Yet I see you wanting to pack these all up in a treasure box and put these on a shelf as they have served you no purpose and therefore you conclude that they must have little value.

For you say to yourself “for your gift makes room for you, yeah right!” And yet you place the gift on the shelf rather than give it. You hold yourself back rather that put yourself forward. You wonder why you feel like you are going backwards, when you keep holding yourself back.

Yet you see another before you who will not hold herself back, is ok with being called “the crazy one”. And yet when she comes into your presence she literally falls at your feet.

For she knows the power I have given you, she knows the position that you really hold, and she is unafraid to “out” you before everyone. She is like John the Baptist to you, she announces who is present, and the present, the gift that you are to so many.

Yet you struggle to shake off the old you, but find yourself in the place “between” where you are no longer what you were, but are unwilling to step into who you are!

You think if you don’t write about it, if you don’t share it then you won’t lose the little that remains of your sanity.

Yet the more you restrain yourself, the more you cannot but spend time with me, and the more gifted you become as a result.

The shaking you feel, the breaking you feel is due to this….

The treasure box overflows, has reached its capacity to contain, it breaks open before you.

For you must be released, from containment comes confinement, yet from the pressing down, from the great depression comes the shaking together, the running over, the bursting forth, the outpouring, the explosion of favour, the fountain of blessing.

For there is nothing you can do to stop my advance.

For what is it you see now?

My pathetic attempt to cover the flame of your fire, the more I attempt to smother it, the more it burns, the more intense the flame.

Might as well get on with it then!

For in the place of your futility my purpose stands.

For unto whom much is given, much shall be required.

For I see you trying to settle yourself, trying to stop the agitation.


For you cannot contain my power!

It is written all over your face, for all shall know who you have been spending time with!

You spend so much of your effort trying to fit in, yet my intention for you now is to stand out!

It is like the moment after you touched the hand of your beloved. You went to work the next day trying to pretend that nothing had happened, but everyone knew that your life was never going to be the same!

Don’t hold back for you won’t be embarrassed.

For your time has come.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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